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Language > English
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Re:Greek anyone?????????????????????????????????????????
Well it's me again...(Eugenia M.) I didn't know you could teach english!!!!I need help in everyday english language.
Of course I can teach you Greek!!!!
Don't worry!!!Xalara....;)

Language pair: Arabic, other; English
January 18, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:Translation help - Greek (Greeklish) to English
Well, I can help you, but I didn't quite understand in what you want translation...Greek?or Greeklish? to English?in sth particular?or generally?
Eugenia M.

Language pair: English; All
January 18, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:Translation help
I would love to review it and help you out.


Language pair: English; All
January 14, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Hi I need help, I am writing a letter to a friend who speaks Japanese and I want to know how to ask her "Did you enjoy the party from the other day?" in Japanese. I speak Spanish as well as French! Thanx!

Language pair: English; Japanese
Car J.
January 7, 2004

# Msgs: 1

need to know
What is the meaning of pogoship'a mani mani

Language pair: Korean; English
Barbara R.
January 5, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:Traducciones de la comida
Hi, I´m Marta, I´m Spanish but from Madrid, not from Andalucía. Anyway, I think I can help you with some of this words:
-Chuchería y golosina: is the same thing, but children prefer calling it chuchería. They are these sweets with different shapes made from gum and with sugar. We buy them before going to the cinema, you know, these sweets we put into a plastic bag.
-gusanitos:they are salad with "gusanito" shape, they are yellow and they are sold into a plastic bag. It´s an aperitive, like the chips.
-Bollycao: it is a "bollo", like a croisant with chocolate inside, it is a trade mark, boll ("bollo") y (and) cao ("cacao", cocoa).
-chinmoyas: I think you wanted to say "chirimoya", it´s a fruit, look up in the dictionary, it should be there. It´s green and with black stones.
-Nocilla: it´s like "Nutella", it´s another trade mark. It´s cocoa cream.
-Canelones: it´s an Italian dish, it´s pasta, like a roll with mince meat and tomato sauce inside and with bechamel and cheese over.

I´ll write the other words later. Don´t worry. I hope this will help you.

Language pair: English; Spanish
January 4, 2004

# Msgs: 1

A message for COLUMBINE
This is for Columbine, from the USA and who used to live in Panamá.I'd like to contact you but I'm not a gold member!! what abaut you?

Language pair: English; Spanish
american version
January 4, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:The finnish language
Thanks a million Hellen , this has been very useful!

Language pair: Finnish; English
american version
December 31, 2003

# Msgs: 5
Latest: December 31, 2003
Re:could someone translate please
You can't find the meanings of the words because who wrote this has an awful Turkish. Well,i'll both correct and translate:

seni ne kadar sevdigimi bilemezsin, sense beni kirdin, sen beni sevmiyorsun, beni cok kirdin, ama cok yanlis yaptin, beni kirdigin icin cok tesekur ederim, senin kizin benden daha cok degerli, ama bunu ogrendigim cok iyi oldu. beni cabuk unuttun. seninki(askin?) bu kadardi.

"you can't know how i loved you, but u broke my heart, u dont love me, you broke my heart too much, u did much wrong to me, i thank u for breaking my heart, your daughter is more precious than me, nice to learn that. you forgot me so quickly. yours(your love?)is no more than that."

Language pair: English; Turkish
December 30, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:The finnish language
Hello from Finland!
Finnish language, also called Suomi, member
of the Finnic group of the Finno-Ugric
languages. These languages form a subdivision
of the Uralic subfamily of the
Ural-Altaic family of languages.

I don't understand a word of Hungarian but
Estonian sounds very familiar.

Language pair: Finnish; English
Hilkka H.
December 30, 2003

# Msgs: 5
Latest: December 31, 2003
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