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Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Re:need help with translating vietnamese to english

Sorry that I see your message too late, but I will help you to understand it although it was late.

Your paragraph is not easy to understand in Vietnamese because our language has the accent and private font. There are no Vienamese font in here.

"I wish your family (both husband and wife) have a happy weekends, I'm sorry that I didn't send email to you in the last several days, are you sad thanks to that, do you know that everytime Co (male) was sick in his stomach, he always remembered your Truong Minh Giang Bridge, my brother, come back to eat the goat's mammal barbecue with us, There are some girls send message to you (Mr.Bi), do you miss / remember them? I write email by this way, I wonder if Ms.Lori can read it? I saw that she sent email to us with all English, and there are two emails, I dont' know any problem ? Could you email to me to let me know?"

That's all , I can write here.

Best regards.

Language pair: English; Vietnamese
Hien N.
December 15, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Please help with this translation!
-I received with a grade average of 5.9
-Average of grades, average of qualifications
-Without failing any sections
-No subjects failed
-All courses of study passed
-Passed with a grade of 5.9
-Distinction of the best average in high school
-Award for the best average of advancement
-Balancing the students with lower averages

Language pair: English; Spanish
Krystal D.
December 12, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Could someone please help I need an english to german translation.
Hi Seth er,

here it is:

Ich liebe Dich von ganzem Herzen. Willst Du mich heiraten ?

I wish you good luck !


Language pair: English; German
December 11, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:help pplz
"Thank you" is "obrigada" if you're female, "obrigado" if you're a man. "Thank you very much " is "muito obrigada/-o" Pronounced (móoeetoo) oobrigáda/oobrigádoo.
Regards, Brad

Language pair: Portuguese; English
December 5, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:tolong bahasa Malaysia nahu sila
No, not everything is backwards. For example, you put prepositios like 'for' before the noun or pronoun like in English (kepada saya - for me), unlike some languages like Hindi & Japanese where they come after and are called postpositions. It's mainly adjectives (bagus) and demonstratives (ini/itu) that come after.
Regards, Brad

Language pair: English; Malay (Bahasa Malaysia)
December 5, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 5, 2003
tolong bahasa Malaysia nahu sila

saya struggle with sila, are SEMUA words spoken backwards?

Example: Go into house for water, should be said as "water for house go into"?

It is susah to learn semua words, even in bahasa inggris I tidak boleh speak backwards!

Is everything I say meant to be spoken backwards or only certain sections?


terima kashi


Language pair: English; Malay (Bahasa Malaysia)
December 2, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 5, 2003
Re:help to learn turkish
Hello Tracey !!
I'm native speaker in Turkish and in Kurdish.if you want to learn either in Turkis or in Kurdish.I would like to help you with both of these laguages.
Ps. I'm not a gold member.

Language pair: English; Turkish
M. O.
November 25, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:hi, please help me translate this paragraph frm english into turkish
Hello vicky !!!
"sizin icin mumkun ise oludenizde ocuz otellerle ilgili bana biraz bilgi gonderebilirmisiniz ? Ben ve arkadasim kisa bir sure icinde yer ayirtmamiz lazim. Bana resot hotelde izin olmiyacak o zaman muhtemelen sen binimle isten sonra bulusmalisin ??"

good luck !!!

Language pair: English; All
M. O.
November 24, 2003

# Msgs: 1

I'll try to hepl you if you need to learn
Ps. i'm not a gold member


Language pair: English; Kurdish
M. O.
November 24, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 24, 2003
Hello Samantha !!!
"merhaba Evinamin,
Disa ditinate per quese,
Min per beriyate kiriye,
Ez gellek site hezdikim !!!"

that's all good luck !!! :))

Language pair: English; Kurdish
M. O.
November 24, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 24, 2003
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