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Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Re:hi, thanks for ne1 who can spare sum of their time to help me translate an e-mail from English into Turkish :)
Hello vick !!!
I'll try to translate your letter into Turkish !!!

Merhaba devrim !Ben sana gonderdigim en son e-maillimde iki tane kendi fotografimi attach yapip gonderdim.O yuzden "vic" veya Vicky" isminde attach olmasi lazim.Herhangi bir sekilde eger fotograflari alamadin ise bana ev adresini gonderirsen sana bir kac tane adresine postalarim.:) Bana fotograf gonderebilirmisin ? Eger e-mail ile gonderemez isen bana soyle ben sana adresimi veriyim.Ben gercekten cok ozledim seni gormeyi !!!Ben ve arkadasim haziran ayinda tatile gidecegiz.BIz Turkiye'ye gelebiliriz ve boyleleikle gelip seni gorecegim.Ben Turkce konusamiyorum. Ben umarim ki; keske telefonla gorusebilseidik.:( Ben kisabir sure once erkek arkadimdan ayrildim. O da benim tatilden sonra degistigimi soyledi.Butun bularin olmasinin sebebi seni gormek istememidi.:( Herneyse umarim yakinda senden haberlerini alirim. Seni cok ozledim !!! sevgiler .....

You can get in touch with me anytime you want.I'll try to help both of you guys. Good luck !!!
Ps. I'm not a gold member.so' i may not be able to check here again. if you need me please e-mail me.

Language pair: English; All
M. O.
November 23, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:Before You Eat
Te contesto en español porque tu nivel es muy bueno.

No es necesario, pero es cortes responder con "Gracias".
Si quien te desea buen provecho esta tambien a la mesa contigo, puedes responder "Igualmente".

Lo normal es que sea el camarero quien te desee buen provecho, o algun comensal que te acompañe a la mesa y con el que no tengas mucha confianza. Entre amigos no se suele decir, pues es una forma de cortesia.

Si no entiendes algo, dimelo y te lo explicare en ingles.


Language pair: Spanish; English
Javier G.
November 17, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 17, 2003

albanian is my native and yes - Te dua - is ussed for I love you. it literaly means "I want you". more romantic but less used for I love you is - Te dashuroj . (sh- sounds like - sch)
There is no more sexual way saying I want you in albanian then saying - te dua. for sexual atraction different ussualy impovised expresiona are used. anything that would associate physical unification or enterance of one in another would be considered sexual invitation or provocation.

Hope I could help...

Language pair: Albanian; English
Mani K.
November 17, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:more help pls....
Here you are Angel with best effort.

~you Ti

~your tvoj- (m),a(f),e(n) all for singular
va's- (m),a(f),e(n) for plural

~my moj- (m),a(f),e(n)

~you are ti si (singular)
vi ste (plural)

~I was going to... this is complicated, instead of using the To do, in serbo-croation you transform the verb and then add a suffix. the most similiar meaning you get with:
Treba-o(m),la(f) sam,
Hte- o(m),la(f) sam,

~what's going on?
Kaj ima
'Sta ima
'Sta je
Sta se zbiva (dogadja)
~beautiful Lep-(m),a(f),o(n)

Hope I could help

Language pair: Croatian; English
Mani K.
November 17, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Before You Eat
Of course I can explain you that. The exact phrase is "Buen Provecho".
It is said before eating,to wish the food you are about to eat will agree with you.
Sorry for my bad English.

Language pair: Spanish; English
Javier G.
November 16, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 17, 2003
Re:I want to learn Dutch
"How do you say....?" - Hoe zeg je...?
"What is this?" - Wat is dit?
"This is a...." - Dit is een...
"Who is this..?"- Wis is deze...?
"Where is....?" - Waar is...?



Language pair: English; Dutch
Wouter S.
October 30, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 30, 2003
Re:'I Love you'.....lots of translations
Some corrections to this list (PS I hope no-one's tried out the 'Austrialian' one!)
Esperanto: Mi amas vin
Greek: S'agapó
Hawai'ian: Aloha au ia 'oe
Lao: Khawy hak jao

One more:
Samoan: Ou te alofa ia oe

Regards, Brad

Language pair: English; Gujarati
October 17, 2003

# Msgs: 1

i need help!
Can any swedish help me to translate this "Tjena Gumman" ...
i have a swedish friend who sent me this phrase and i have no idea what it means, thank you.

Language pair: Spanish; English
angie H.
October 13, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Translation Help
puedo ayudarte con tu español, soy colombiana, contactame cuando quieras

Language pair: Spanish; English
angie H.
October 13, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:can somebody help me with german?
Yes, it would.
For male and neutral nouns its "meines",
for female ones "meiner". That's all.

Language pair: English; Spanish
Johannes D.
October 6, 2003

# Msgs: 1

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