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Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Re:can you help me translate a sentence
I have been learning Finnish for two years and i will try to translate:
I'm very stunned with your good knowledge of the Finnish language.
You have surprised ( me ) with your perseverance/force of decision.

Language pair: English; Finnish
Johannes D.
October 6, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Help me guys in learning German...!!!!!!!
I could help you with that, but unfortunately I am not a gold member. Thus you would have to contact me first.

Language pair: English; German
Johannes D.
October 6, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Wo bu ji zhongwang
That would be "wo bu dong zhongwen" or "wo bu hui shuo zhongwen", as far as i know. But ask the natives.

Language pair: Chinese, other; English
Johannes D.
October 6, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:a griecke hofeuchsenmacher ludwiglust
As a German I should be able to translate that:
I bet in the original it was: A. Griecke Hofbüchsenmacher Ludwigslust

A. Griecke is the name of the manufacturer,
"Hofbüchsenmacher" is something like "royal manufacturer of guns" (Hof = court), and Ludwigslust is the city where he resides.

Language pair: English; Swedish
Johannes D.
October 6, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Need help translating to English
This French expression should actually be "avec beaucoup de chaleur" and means "with much heat". "Heat" or "warmth" is used in a metaphorical sense, it probably refers to an affected heart.
I'm not a native speaker of French, but still I'm quite sure.

Language pair: French; English
Johannes D.
October 5, 2003

# Msgs: 1

can someone translate this for me please?
beyazýn ortasýnda neredeyse silinmiþ kimi çizgiler seçti

I understand at the moment : "in the middle of the white he spotted ..." but the rest of this sentence I'm unable to translate.

Any help is appreciated.

Language pair: Turkish; English
October 4, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:can help for french
Could you tell me how to say "I hope to hear from you soon" in French?

Thank you very much in advance.

Kind regards,


Language pair: French; English
Sylvia B.
September 15, 2003

# Msgs: 1

'I love you' in 100 languages
hey all , I have a mail in my mailbox ... it includes the sentence "I love you" in 100 languages .... If you want it ... you can caontact me and I will send it to you .....

Language pair: Thai; English
September 6, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:un GAOU ???, un SUMMUM ???
Bonjour Marcin,

Pour: " ... gaou", je ne peux pas te répondre....

Mais "summum" signifie: sommet, absolu, apogée, apothéose, paroxysme, point culminant.


Language pair: French; English
September 2, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 2, 2003
Re:spit like this on tour

Ok, I'll give you Irish, which will be totally useless to you as all the nice looking birds in Dublin will speak English better than they do Irish. It also might not be correct, we didn't learn this in school:

"Ar mhaith leat teacht arais go dti mo seamra chun grá milis a dheanamh"

This literally means "would you like to come back to my room to make sweet love".

Of course, I don't think you "make love" or "grá a dheanamh" in catholic Ireland, but it's close enough.

If you want to try the more traditional version, I recall studying Irish literature and coming across the phrase "dean sé mná asti" or "he made a woman out of her" in the story of Diarmuid & Grainne, which essentially meant he shagged her. So you could say "ba mhaith liom mná a dheanamh asat" which means "I'd like to make a woman of you".

Good luck.

Language pair: English; Gaelic (Irish)
Kathryn C.
August 30, 2003

# Msgs: 1

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