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Some basic business phrases in Greek
My company are opening a Greek office and we will need to contact them by phone sometimes, so I'm looking for a few basic phrases such as "hello, can I speak to x?", "can I leave a message?", "can you get him/her to call me?", and of course "do you speak English/French/German?"...
Some technical phrases would be good too, things like "computer", "software", "e-mail", "web", "web browser", etc.
If anyone can tell me what the second language situation is like in Greece that would be great too. For example, do many greek people speak a second language and what are the most commonly spoken foreign languages.
I will probably get some Greek lessons or a Greek course on cd, but any help you can give me would be appreciated.
Language pair: English; Greek
Kathryn C.
August 28, 2003
# Msgs: 1
Re:Comment prononcer le prénom 'Guy'?
Czeœæ Ela! Nie jestem co prawda jakimœ autorytetem z francuskiego, ale z tego co wiem - powinno siê powiedzieæ "Gi" (po naszemu) PS. Wreszcie ktoœ napisa³ coœ po polsku!!! Pozdrowionka
Language pair: English; Polish
August 24, 2003
# Msgs: 1
OK, how can I start? - Maybe some verbs:
BYÆ (to be): ja jestem (I am) my jesteœmy ty jesteœ (...) wy jesteœcie on/ona/ono jest oni/one s¹
MIEÆ (to have): ja mam (I have) my mamy ty masz (...) wy macie on/ona/ono ma oni/one maj¹
As you can see all forms of the verbs are different depending on the person to whom the verb applies. There are 3 genders for nouns: masculine, feminine and neuter in singular and 2 in plural ("oni" concerning masculine nouns; "one" refering to feminine and neuter ones).
I'll try to write something more in the near future
Language pair: English; Polish
August 15, 2003
# Msgs: 6
Latest: August 15, 2003
un GAOU ???, un SUMMUM ???
C'est toujours moi! Cette fois-ci, je voudrais vous demander de m'aider a traduire quelques titres de chansons qui se referent au vocabulaire agotique (je crois). Il s'agit du: "Premier gaou" et "Au summum". Pouvez-vous me les expliquer, s'il vous plait?
Language pair: French; English
August 15, 2003
# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 2, 2003
Teaching English / Learning Norwegian
Still waiting for someone to teach me norsk. jeg kjenne i liten. I Just need someone to help me along. Please Please Reply to this. Takk
Language pair: English; All
Aaron C.
August 12, 2003
# Msgs: 1
ho, my dad is something special... i wanted to surprise him and now he says he dont have time for that...:( but never mind, i want to learn polish to... can you teach me the basic languadge?
Language pair: English; Hebrew
n s.
August 11, 2003
# Msgs: 6
Latest: August 15, 2003
Re:how to say i love you in italian
Hello Bradley! I'm Polish and I don't speak Italian, however "TI AMO" seems a rather obvious answer (I guess)...
Language pair: English; Italian
August 11, 2003
# Msgs: 1
Hello Shir! I'd like to help you, but first you have to tell me what you (or your dad) need to know. Ask what you want about the language (spelling, speaking), culture or whatever concerning Poland. Hope to hear from you soon.
Language pair: English; Polish
August 11, 2003
# Msgs: 6
Latest: August 15, 2003
Hello Shir! I'd like to help you, but first you have to tell me what you (or your dad) need to know. Ask what you want about the language (spelling, speaking), culture or whatever concerning Poland. Hope to hear from you soon.
Language pair: English; Polish
August 11, 2003
# Msgs: 6
Latest: August 15, 2003
ill teach.
about the jewish and israeli culture (its not quit the same!) and hebrow, read and wright. ùìåí!
Language pair: English; Hebrew
n s.
August 10, 2003
# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 2, 2007