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Re:Help Learning Gaelic (Irish)
Hi Lia,

How r u :) Joseph here from India. Wanna be friend, do reply. i love to make friends all over the world.

do take care.



Language pair: Gaelic (Irish); English
August 1, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 2, 2003
Re:Hello in Gaelic
Ok, here the phrases you request and a few more besides.

Hello = Dia Dhuit
Good bye = Slán leat, or just slán
Ireland = Eireann / Eire

Yes & No = actually these are slightly complicated. In Irish you don't answer a question such as "Are you happy" with "yes" or "no" instead you say "I am". Similarly if you're asked "can you sing" you'll say "I can" or "I can't". Basically, when asked a question you have to respond using the same verb which appears in the question.

So if you're asked the question "Do you understand?" which in Irish is "An dtuigeann tú". The reply to this would be either "Tuigim" (I understand) or "Ní thuigim" (I don't understand).

Ok, on to numbers:
1 = aon
2 = dó
3 = trí
4 = ceathair
5 = cuig
6 = sé
7 = seacht
8 = ocht
9 = naoi
10 = deich

However, when counting objects you don't always use those numbers! Yeay! So if you want to say "one" it's "aon" but if you want to say "One house" it's "teach amhain" (teach = house, amhain = one for counting things). Two houses would be "dhá dteach"
Then for counting people there's a whole other set of numbers. Sorry you asked yet?

Alphabet, hhmmm... Irish children don't really learn the Alphabet in Irish, at least I didn't. There are some letters that are missing from Irish, those would be K, J, Q, X, Z and maybe some others. In terms of sounds in Irish we have a lot of gutteral sounds, such as gh, ch, etc. These are sounds which aren't in English, though they do occur other languages such as German or Dutch.

Other useful phrases include

Thankyou = Go raibh maith agat
And = agus
The (singular) = an
The (plural) = na
How are you? = Conas atá tú (or "cén choai ina bhfuil tú", or "cad é mar atá tú")
I am well = Táim go maith (or Tá mé go maith)
I am happy = Tá áthas orm
I am sad = Tá brón orm

"orm" means "on me" literally, so when you say "Tá áthas orm" or "Tá brón orm" you are actually saying "There is happiness upon me" or "There is sadness upon me".
To apply this to someone else you would use "on him", "on you" etc. eg:
Tá brón air = he is sad (there is sadness on him)
Tá brón ort = you are sad (there is sadness on you)

Ok, that'll do for now. Be warned my spelling and grammar are atrocious as it's years since I spoke any Irish...

Language pair: English; Gaelic (Irish)
Kathryn C.
July 20, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 20, 2003
Re:Hello in Gaelic
Ok, here the phrases you request and a few more besides.

Hello = Dia Dhuit
Good bye = Slán leat, or just slán
Ireland = Eireann / Eire

Yes & No = actually these are slightly complicated. In Irish you don't answer a question such as "Are you happy" with "yes" or "no" instead you say "I am". Similarly if you're asked "can you sing" you'll say "I can" or "I can't". Basically, when asked a question you have to respond using the same verb which appears in the question.

So if you're asked the question "Do you understand?" which in Irish is "An dtuigeann tú". The reply to this would be either "Tuigim" (I understand) or "Ní thuigim" (I don't understand).

Ok, on to numbers:
1 = aon
2 = dó
3 = trí
4 = ceathair
5 = cuig
6 = sé
7 = seacht
8 = ocht
9 = naoi
10 = deich

However, when counting objects you don't use those numbers! Yeay! So if you want to say "one" it's "aon" but if you want to say "One house" it's "teach amhain" (teach = house, amhain = one for counting things). Two houses would be "dhá dteach" I think.
Then for counting people there's a whole other set of numbers.

Alphabet, hhmmm... Irish children don't really learn the Alphabet in Irish, at least I didn't. There are some letters that are missing from Irish, those would be K, J, Q, X, Z and maybe some others. In terms of sounds in Irish we have a lot of gutteral sounds, such as gh, ch, etc. These are sounds which aren't in English, though they do occur other languages such as German.

Other useful phrases include

Thankyou = Go raibh maith agat
And = agus
The (singular) = an
The (plural) = na
A = an
How are you? = Conas atá tú (or "cén choai ina bhfuil tú", or "cad é mar atá tú")
I am well = Táim go maith (or Tá mé go maith)
I am happy = Tá athas orm
I am sad = Tá brón orm

"orm" means "on me" literally, so when you say "Tá athas orm" or "Tá brón orm" you are actually saying "There is happiness upon me" or "There is sadness upon me".
To apply this to someone else you would use "on him", "on you" etc. eg:
Tá brón air = he is sad (there is sadness on him)
Tá brón ort = you are sad (there is sadness on you)

Ok, that'll do for now. Be warned my spelling and grammar are atrocious as it's years since I spoke any Irish...

Language pair: English; Gaelic (Irish)
Kathryn C.
July 18, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 20, 2003
Jedermann möchten Englisch erlernen?
Hey, ist mein Name Michael und ich bin ein sechzehn-Jahr-alter Amerikaner, der in Bitburg, Deutschland für ungefähr drei Jahre wohnte und wirklich Deutsches erlernen möchte. Kann jemand mir helfen? Ich würde mehr als willend, jedermann mit Englisch zu helfen sein. Ich bin nicht eine Goldmitgliedsso gerade E-mail ich.

Language pair: English; German
Michael H.
June 27, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Spanish slang help??
Hey, I'm American looking to improve my spanish skills (i've studied for 4 years so far and going for a 5th here in high school. I'm 17 years old by the way.) It is difficult to understand the native speakers here in town mainly due to very thick accents and the obscure slang. I just figured out last month what 'plata' was referring to heh.. and I thought they just really liked silver! What are some common youth phrases? Any help would be appreciated, please contact me. I can also help anyone who wants to practice their english. Thanks!

Now, let me try to roughly translate..

Hola, soy americana y me gustaria mejorar mi espanol. Ha estudido por 4 anos en mi escuela secundaria. Tengo 17 anos. Es dificil a entender los habladores nativos aqui en mi ciudad por que tienen accentos y se usan palabras extranas (como 'slang') En el mes pasado, yo aprendi que significa 'plata'... Pense que los jovenes estuvieron hablando del metal plata! Que son algunos frases mas comun de los jovenes? Por favor, ayudame! Escribame una carta si quieres hablar, y tambien yo puedo ayudar con el ingles. Muchas gracias!

Language pair: English; Spanish
June 20, 2003

# Msgs: 1

I could help you with Italian. I study translation, but not from English. My English level isn't proficient, but if the text to translate isn't too difficult, I might be able to help you.
Feel free to contact me.

Language pair: Italian; English
Michele B.
June 17, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Hi there,
Many thanks for your post.

Yes, it's a complete sentence, it's from a videogame audio line (Deux Ex2) and there's a lot of slang in it. The issue is that I haven't got any context or situation for these lines.

Please, feel free to ask me for anything about Spanish language if you want.

Language pair: Spanish; English
June 9, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 9, 2003
Re:Latvian Sentence
Hi! It's not Latvian, but Russian (in transliteration) and means "I know that that's you". ("Ik weet, dat dat jij is"). Brad

Language pair: Dutch; English
June 7, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:What does betsudo ƒxƒcƒh and rasu ƒ‰ƒX translate to in English
Thank you, still learning:)

Language pair: English; All
June 4, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 4, 2003
What does betsudo ƒxƒcƒh and rasu ƒ‰ƒX translate to in English
What does betsudo ƒxƒcƒh and rasu ƒ‰ƒX translate to in English? I have searched through 4 dictionaries and many web-sites, and have not found neither. Is betsudo bet? Thank you truly.

Language pair: English; All
June 2, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 4, 2003
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