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Category > Family and Pets

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Re:Activity of save dogs and cats.
Hello, it's nice to meet you! Would you like to email each other? I can help you with english if you would like!

Language pair: Japanese; English
December 1, 2013

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 27, 2014
Re:my pets
We have a lovely cat whose name is Tom. He wakes us up everyday at the same time instead of an alarm clock...

Language pair: English; German
November 25, 2013

# Msgs: 13
Latest: May 5, 2014
Activity of save dogs and cats.
Hi,I'm Shiori. I can't speak English well.
But I wanna study English more.I will go Los in jun.

I am a university student. I keep a protected dog.
I worked on the protection of the animal in Japan.

And, I try English study hard now.

I am interested in overseas animal protection activity very much.

I want to talk with everybody.

Let's talking! !

Language pair: Japanese; English
November 10, 2013

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 27, 2014
Re:Re:my pets
my tatooist friend traded a couple of his rabbits to a friend who said he would take them if he took his one rabbit. completely mangled looking rabbit. scars all over [got to the friend that way] i think he was either missing an ear or a good chunk of it.

A neighbor hood dog got out and was harassing the rabbit of my friend [who kept them outside]. the rabbit was banging on the sides of the cage, managed to get out, and when my friend finally got outside, the dog was shaking his head with the rabbit.

He thought the rabbit was a goner. Come to find out, the rabbit had the dog by the neck and was trying to just get away and the rabbit was fine.

Many years later, moved out of that town, was working at a tattoo shop, this girl comes in to get a tattoo. They start talking and find they lived in the same area. they start talking more and start talking about the animals of theirs.

They find out that the owner of that dog, which was her, just lived down the street from my friend, and the rabbit tore open the dog's neck and it died soon after.

They had an awkward moment but had to laugh. usually when the words 'dog,' 'rabbit,' and 'attack' are in the same sentence, to do expect that outcome

I had 2 male rabbits that had a temper and i had to seperate them cause they wouldnt stop attacking each other, but never dreamed that a rabbit could be THAT vicious. I share that story whenever i hear someone ask about how a rabbit could be mean at all.

Language pair: English; 
Kasha L.
October 13, 2013

# Msgs: 13
Latest: May 5, 2014
Re:my pets
Well, I have two dogs. They are to beautiful and quiet, but they need big attention and care. I wanna sell them because i don't have enough time to care them.

Language pair: English; 
September 3, 2013

# Msgs: 13
Latest: May 5, 2014
Re:my pets
Well, I have two dogs. They are to beautiful and quiet, but they need big attention and care. I wanna sell them because i don't have enough time to care them.

Language pair: English; 
September 3, 2013

# Msgs: 13
Latest: May 5, 2014
Re:Re:my pets
h-how does a rabbit become that aggressive?:O haha.

Language pair: English; 
August 3, 2013

# Msgs: 13
Latest: May 5, 2014
I live in the USA and I also have horses dogs and cats!

Language pair: German; English
phoenixx r.
August 3, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 3, 2013
Horseback riding
My name is Tara. I am new to this site. I live in the USA and I would love to learn hungarian, russian and german. I moved out to the country and now I do horse rescue. I have many dogs and cats as well. I love all animals and nature. Does anyone else have horses or a least enjoy them?

Language pair: English; English
phoenixx r.
August 3, 2013

# Msgs: 1

Re:my pets
I had a rabbit but it became aggressive:it attacked the dog!!!

Language pair: English; 
Corinne S.
July 5, 2013

# Msgs: 13
Latest: May 5, 2014
Total found: 314 !
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