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Language > Swedish
Category > Making Friends

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Re:I'd like to meet people around the world!!
Hi I'm Carina. I'm a 16 year old girl from Germany. I am learning English, French and a little bit Spanish. I'm very interested in Spanish. I can't learn it at my school. I could teach you German, if you want.Are you a gold-member? Could you contact me?

Language pair: Swedish; German
June 14, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 23, 2008
Re:Re:Re:Re:Anybody wanting to learn swedish or to discuss books or other things in english?
Hi, I am looking for people to help me learn Swedish. I can help with your english:)


Language pair: Swedish; English
Paul G.
June 7, 2008

# Msgs: 5
Latest: November 16, 2009
Re:Hej. Help me with Swedish and I'll be more than glad to teach you Chinese in return.
hey karin, I live in sweden and i can learn my language to u. Im intrested in japanese and chinese as well and ill be happy 2 help u ! ^^

Language pair: Swedish; Chinese, Mandarin
Irene M.
May 1, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 1, 2008
Re:Re:I want to make friends around the world
Hej, you said you are interested in Chinese culture and history. I'm a Chinese medical student interested in the Scandininavian culture. Have just started and have some proboem with the 'erre' sound. I speak Chinese and English. If you want to can contact me by skype my nick is kattenkarin or we can contact via msn(the same username). Help me with Swedish and I'll be more than glad to teach you Chinese in return.

Language pair: Swedish; English
Karin L.
April 25, 2008

# Msgs: 12
Latest: December 11, 2008
Hej. Help me with Swedish and I'll be more than glad to teach you Chinese in return.
Hej, I'm a medical student interested in the Scandininavian culture. Learning Swedish is kind of difficult here in China and I've got to learn it all by myself. Have just started and have some difficulty with the "erre" sound. I speak Chinese and English. Help me with Swedish and I'll be more than glad to teach you Chinese in return.

Language pair: Swedish; Chinese, Mandarin
Karin L.
April 25, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 1, 2008
Re:Anybody wanting to learn swedish or to discuss books or other things in english?
Hello, im interested in learning swedish, but im not a gold member either.
When i fell hot using my internet mail, people call me edyta2004. Maybe this can help u;-)

Language pair: Swedish; English
March 31, 2008

# Msgs: 5
Latest: November 16, 2009
Master as many language as possible
I am a chinese student who like travelling and learning language,I want to find some friends who could speak swdish and franch.

Language pair: Swedish; French
Ïþ À.
March 22, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Hello !! Dear all Im cheerful from thailand I would like to have new friend and exchange language if whos interesting in Thailand I certainly!!!:-)

Language pair: English; Swedish
Araya T.
January 15, 2008

# Msgs: 1

I hope to make more friends & if someone can teach me some other languages?
Hi everyone here~
My name is Michelle and a little Chinese.I'm in my first year of high school.That's really busy and tired...
I hope to make more friends& if someone can teach me other languages? I wanna learn Germany,Norwgine,French,Cantonese,above all,Swedish!!! I wanna learn more other's cultures~
Can anyone help? all right?
And i can teach you who wanna learn Chinese?

Language pair: English; Swedish
Portia L.
January 7, 2008

# Msgs: 6
Latest: January 12, 2008
hi,i`m looking for iraqian friend
hi ,i`m looking for iraqian partner who live outsid iraq because i`m interst learning languages.

Language pair: Swedish; German
jenan_011 a.
December 17, 2007

# Msgs: 1

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