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Category > Films/Movies

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Re:Looking for friends ....
Hi Melissa!!

The Devil Wears Prada is one of my favorite movies and I love TV Series, among my favorites: Buffy, Sex and The city, House,Friends, La Femme Nikita, Everybody Loves Raymond, Law and Order SVU, Charmed, etc... I was Sad when Buffy ended but I still love to talk about it! If you want to talk let me know, I'm not a gold member but I do have MSN.

Language pair: English; Spanish
April 7, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: April 9, 2007
Looking for friends ....
Hey everybody,

I'm looking for people with which I could speak about movies like : Jane Eyre, Music and Lyrics, Ever After, 50 first dates, The devil wears Prada, The Holiday, ... and tv-shows like : alias, charmed, buffy, friends, 24, ...
Who's enterested please leave a message for Melissa Brown.


Language pair: English; French
Melissa B.
April 5, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: April 9, 2007
Re:Per favore raccomandare film recenti italiani
Ciao Connie,

Mi chiamo Melissa e sono Belga. Ho 16 anni et studio l'italiano durante il mio tempo libero. Non parlo bene Italiano ma non è un problemo...si? Otherwise we can do it in English (easier for me). Ma allora, La vita è bella è il film preferisco de me. Non sono certa que Lei non ha La vita è bella perché non è un film nuovo.

Buonasera, arriverla

Language pair: English; Italian
Melissa B.
March 24, 2007

# Msgs: 5
Latest: September 22, 2008
Hey Xime
Hi Xime,

well I added you with a @hot... I hope that's correct. My email is something with kat696... so don't worry. Maybe I could help you with more normal French, as you could with my English (maybe even with microphone). Only problem time difference, but wathever.
Maybe we can talk more about tv-shows, movies and exchange opinions more fluently.

See you online...

Kiss Melissa

Language pair: English; Dutch
Melissa B.
March 24, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Hey Xime,

I really like GG, I'm not the greatest fan but it's nice. Here (in Belgium, Europe)they stopped sending out the show. But Friends stays in a loop. It never stops every day for now more then 6 years. Unbelievable. But we get new chapters quit late, I mean a year later than in the US.

I see you're learning French, well great because my native languages are French and Dutch. Maybe I can help you.

Sorry I can't add you, I'm not a golden member and yes I have msn.

Greats Melissa

Language pair: Dutch; English
Melissa B.
March 22, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 22, 2007

I love tv-series. I am a big fan of Charmed, Friends, Alias, Buffy, Gilmore Girls ...
Problem is that most of those shows have stopped filming. But I would still like to talk, exchange opinions and little anecdotes about those. So if anyone is iterested?...

Kiss Melissa

Language pair: Italian; English
Melissa B.
March 20, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 22, 2007
I haven't seen the movie "Step Up". From the previews it looks like a pretty good movie. It's one that I would love to see. Have you seen the movie "You Got Served". It's a really good dancing movie. If you haven't seen it, then you should make it a point to see it.

Language pair: English; Spanish
March 15, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Per favore raccomandare film recenti italiani
Studio l'italiano. La mia biblioteca ha molti vecchi film di italiano. Sono meravigliosi ma voglio comprare un DVD nuovo. Per favore raccomandare alcuni film recenti italiani (l'avventura, l'idillio, il dramma). Ringraziarla!

Language pair: English; Italian
March 11, 2007

# Msgs: 5
Latest: September 22, 2008
Re:Re:Re:Re: my favourites films
Mmmm Heath Ledger....mon petit ami!

Language pair: French; English
Nicky K.
March 9, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 9, 2007
I LOVE prison break
I love prison break and also American Idol

Language pair: English; 
March 3, 2007

# Msgs: 1

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