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Category > Culture/History/Ethnology

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Re:Gothic culture
I'm Giselle, from Australia. Over the past year I've done an entire English course on the Gothic, including history, literature, fashion, art, music, lifestyle, cults etc. I'm not a Goth myself, but I know a bit about it. So what exactly do you want to know? I might be able to help you out!

Language pair: Vietnamese; English
September 5, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:American seeking Native from France to discuss their opinions of their civil law system
Hello my name is Pauline I am French and I live in France, I've 18 years and I want to correspond with you in english, and exchange your cultures.

Write me! bye

Language pair: French; English
Pauline M.
September 3, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Is there someone jewish?

Language pair: Russian; English
Laura H.
August 22, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 22, 2006
Is there someone jewish?
I´m from germany (berlin) but originally from russia and I´m also jewish.I´m very interested in the jewish culture and religion and want to get to know jewish people all over the world. I was alraedy two times in Israel.

Language pair: Russian; English
Laura H.
August 21, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 22, 2006
Re:Senior History student willing to discuss nearly any topic
Hi Ben!
My name is laura I live in germany( berlin) but I´m originally from russia. I´m interested in the same topics as you... so write me back and we can talk and talk and talk...:)it would be graet if you had msn ( my e-mail is as well my addy)
looking forward to hearing from you

Language pair: Russian; English
Laura H.
August 21, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Foreign culture.
Hi, I'm french and I would like to improve my english and to speak it fluently because I would like to live in an english-speaking country during few years.
I like very much Ireland. And I can help you for your french and teach you everything you want about french culture.
Reply to me.

I am not a gold member.

Language pair: French; English
August 16, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 16, 2006
Re:Looking for S. Korean, Japanese & Chinese friends.
HI, I am in a master in Chinese. We can have a good exchange of culture. Waiting for your reply.

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Claudia L.
August 7, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:La musique gaelique
I can teach you some Irish and about Irish culture if you want!!I am also learning French, so maybe we could learn together. Do you have msn??
Talk to you soon.

Language pair: French; 
Aaron B.
August 1, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 1, 2006
La musique gaelique
Bonjour a tous!
Je m'appelle Aggi, j'ai 21 et je suis indonesien. Je m'aintersse a la langue francaise mais aussi a la musique gaelique (irlandaise et ecossaise). Si vous avez le meme goute comme moi, j'aimerais bien faire la connaissance avec vous!
Anyone could help me to lean Irish? I'm really fall in love with this country!

Language pair: French; 
Aggi Sukmawandhani
July 31, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 1, 2006
Re:Foreign culture.
I'm Irish and would love to learn about everything French- the cuisine, the language and more! I could help you with English if you help me with some French. I already know some French but would like to improve.
Contact me if you're interested!!

Language pair: French; English
Aaron B.
July 28, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 16, 2006
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