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Category > Films/Movies

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Re:Please tell me the movie title
South Park makes me laugh- A LOT!!!

This movie made me feel bored.

They tried too hard to be offensive.

None of the jokes are very good...I don't think I laughed once!

I wouldn't bother watching it if i were you..Stick to South Park!

Language pair: English; Japanese
August 13, 2005

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 13, 2005
Re:Please tell me the movie title
The movie title you are looking for is (I think)


I saw this movie a short while ago.

I have to say, i LOVE South Park...but I HATED this movie. I almost turned it off LOTS of times!!

Language pair: English; Japanese
August 10, 2005

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 13, 2005
French films
Can anyone recommend any good French films?

Language pair: English; Swahili
August 10, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:Please tell me the movie title
Wasn't the movie called "South Park?" Not that I would know; I've never seen it. But I thought that They had only made one movie. At least, that is all I was able to find on the Internet Movie Database (IMDB).

I look forward to hearing from whoever knows.


Language pair: English; All
Mark S.
August 10, 2005

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 13, 2005
it's great that you'd like to know more than you have to. i'll help you with your russian.
Poka! :-)

Language pair: English; All
August 5, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Sin Dejar Huella / Without a Trace, Cinema Latino
¿Hay alguien que ha visto la película, “Sin Dejar Huella?” Lo pregunto porque lo miró anoche. Es un film muy interesante, pero no estoy seguro que lo comprendo totalmente. Los ultimos capitulos me caen muy raros, y no estoy seguro que los seguí. De todos modos, quiso leer si les gusta esa película, y si les gusta, ¿por qué? ¿Que creen que es el mensaje de la película? Espero leer qué les creen ustedes.

Has anyone seen the movie, “Without a Trace”, from Cinema Latino? I ask because I saw it last night. It’s a very interesting movie, but I’m not sure I understand it completely. I found the last couple of chapters odd, and I wasn’t sure I got what was happening. Anyway, I was curious to find if people liked the movie, and if so why, and what people felt the message of the movie was. I look forward to hearing what people think.

Hasta luego,

Mark Springer
Sacramento, CA USA

Language pair: Spanish; English
Mark S.
August 3, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:great bollywood
To Ashley,

Hey Ashley,I think you're absolutely amazing because regardless of boundaries of cultures and country you love other culture like your own,I adore you for that,and yes I am from India and would love to be your pen-pal but I dunno how,can't even write my email address because of certain restriction,so you tell me what to do if you are a gold member or something else,I am 25 and I think we can be friends,lots of care to you and regards to your parents,bye.:)

Language pair: English; Hindi
July 31, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 31, 2005
Spanish movies for a language lesson and entertainment
Hola Jamie. Te cuento que soy de Argentina y al mirar peliculas españolas a veces se me dificulta entender algunas cosas (todo tiene que ver con la entonación y el vocabulario que es diferente en cada país), asi que no te desanimes y sigue explorando peliculas en español, lo vas a disfrutar!!!

Language pair: Spanish; English
Carolina H.
June 21, 2005

# Msgs: 4
Latest: June 21, 2005
Re:alguien con quien escrbir en ingles y frances

Creo que podemos cambiar las linguas. Hablo inglés y frances, aprendo español ahora.

Ojala hasta luego,


Language pair: English; French
leebenseng Y.
June 21, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Spanish movies for a language lesson and entertainment
Ah, Por supuesto. Hay que leer los mensajes...

Me pregunto, ¿Que crees de tales peliculas como "Y tu Máma También," o "Tú qué Harías por Amor"?

Y, ¿Qué crees que es que hace una película buena o una pelicula mala? ¿Crees que es alguna cosa en particular, o que es una mezcla de cosas? ¿Cuales son las más importantes?


Language pair: Spanish; English
Mark S.
June 9, 2005

# Msgs: 4
Latest: June 21, 2005
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