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Language > French
Category > Slang/Expressions

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"painco" is a perfectly feasible but artificial word, surely created by someone speaking "verlan". "verlan" stands for "à l'envers" and "langue". So, one syllable of "à l'envers" = "ver", and one syllable of "langue" = "lan" are selected and put together in reverse order, which is what "verlan" means, a (cut down) language in reverse order.

Language pair: English; French
December 6, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Hi Sara,

It's difficult to give the meaning of this expression because I have to hear the song, and its context. anyway, it may mean Ashkar(person's name) ala (in) bally (my mind). Again, it depends what the singer is singing. I'm not a gold member but you can always reply if you have any questions. I would to learn to speak Spanish fluently...I understand 75% of it.

Asta luego,

Language pair: Arabic, other; French
November 23, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Help Your Japanese
well i livein america but i am wanting to learn Japanese i will teach you what i can of english....please?

Language pair: English; French
Becky n.
September 4, 2003

# Msgs: 1

TU ES FOUTU!!!: merci mais...
Je voudrais remercier a Sylvian pour la reponse concernant l'expression "Tu es foutu", mais pouvez-vous m'ecrire encore une fois sur ce mot:FOUTU. Je ne l'ai pas trouve dans mon dictionnaire, donc je ne sais pas si c'est un verbe ou un adjectif. S'il s'agit du participe passe, alors : de quel verbe???

Language pair: French; English
August 9, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:I need help from French-language people
'Tu es foutu' signifie 'tu ne peux pas gagner '.
Dans un jeu ,cela veut dire 'tu vas perdre ,tu es mort ! '

Language pair: English; French
August 6, 2003

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 22, 2007
Re:Bonjour, Hi, Hola!
i.m clara and my native language is spanish. i can help you with some expression if you want.. and you can help whit some in french..i really don't know anything. you may give me the traslation in english .i do understand that one better.
let me know what you wanna say and i will reply to you
Now i would like to know how to say my name is.........i am 20 years old.......i'm from ???? i like to learn differente languages...
Thank you

Language pair: French; Spanish
July 10, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:this is so cool
"Slang" and "argot" are more or less equivalent (one is English and the other one French). They are languages used by little social groups.

Language pair: Italian; French
Michele B.
June 17, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:how to say things in english !!!!
In Ireland we say "I'll ring you" or "I'll call you". I think "ring" is British English rather than American English.

You could also say "I'll give you a ring/call" ie, they can both be used as nouns or verbs.

Slang terms... In Ireland we would also say "I'll give you a shout" to mean that we will phone someone, but I don't know if that's common outside Ireland.

Language pair: English; French
Kathryn C.
March 4, 2003

# Msgs: 1

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