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Category > Cooking and Recipes

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Cuisine coréene
le kimbap est trèèèèès populaire en Corée, je l'adooooooooore et vous les amis que ce que vous en pensez?

Language pair: French; English
February 15, 2014

# Msgs: 1

Re:Italian cooking
Hi, although I have never been to Italy but I love Italian food..

Language pair: English; Indonesian (Bahasa)
January 24, 2014

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 24, 2014
Re:Re:Brewing beer
I tried Shraz once.

Language pair: English; 
January 19, 2014

# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 19, 2014
Re:Candy swap
Do you have anything in particular that you want? Candy me be a little difficult. You have to deal with very HOT temperatures. A silpat mat would be very helpful. Do you want caramel. fudge, truffles? marshmallows? Mousse?
I don't know anything about German food except Europeans loves marzipan. I'd like anything other than marzipan.

Language pair: English; French
ruthy w.
January 8, 2014

# Msgs: 12
Latest: October 9, 2018
Re:Malaysian foods
Hi iam Khadija from Australia and speak English fluently. I live in Melaka. If you also live in Melaka I can teach you some English and you can teach me some bahasa and those recipes :)

Language pair: Malay (Bahasa Malaysia); English
Khadija A.
December 28, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 28, 2013
Re:Re:new recipes from abroad
Can you also teach me how to cook beef curry? I love to learn recipe's using coconut & curry, I just tried cooking chicken curry(Filipino version) and it turned out good. In exchange I can teach you English & share some of my recipes too!

Language pair: English; 
December 23, 2013

# Msgs: 3
Latest: December 23, 2013
Korean recipe ( Kalbi Jjim )
I attended a Christmas party in a friend's house, yesterday & tasted a Korean dish named Kalbi Jjim it was so delicious for me. Can anyone share their recipe for me? I want to try cooking this at home! Thanks in advance & Merry Christmas everyone!

Language pair: English; Korean
December 23, 2013

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 8, 2014
Malaysian foods
Hi, i'm from Malaysia and i'm malay speaker looking for english speaker. In malaysia we got a lots of foods because we got chinese, indian people living in my country. I'm malay. If u would like to know some simple recipe, i can give u.

Language pair: Malay (Bahasa Malaysia); English
December 5, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 28, 2013
Re:Candy swap
I came here to learn Japanese, but now would be an excellent chance to brush up on my German. I studied it in university, right when the Berlin Wall was being torn down. Our professor was German and kept saying how many parts of our textbook (the culture sections) would have to be redone once the Wall came down. She was really excited.

I lost most of my German, but not the excitement she felt. It will be with me until I die.

I'd be interested in a candy swap! I'd also like to get actual letters. It's a lost art I know, but I'm in a nursing home and don't get much mail.

Have you ever heard of poutine? Or maple syrup? The Canadian War Museum sells some excellent maple syrup fudge. You'd eat the whole box in five minutes! Hehehe!

Language pair: English; German
hamster 1.
November 2, 2013

# Msgs: 12
Latest: October 9, 2018
Re:LOVE German food
Maybe you can try "Käsespätzle" It's some kind of pasta, but different:D with cheese delicious!!!!

And "Kartoffelsalat" oder "Nudelsalat". You choose potatoes or Pasta, with mayonnaise sausages, some dill pickles, corn, peas and very delicious are apples! Try it and search for the right receipt in the internet!

Language pair: English; German
October 16, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 16, 2013
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