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Language > Hindi
Category > Slang/Expressions

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Re:Want to learn Hindi
Hi Kayle,
I am here to teach you Hindi, I wd like to improve my English. I am not gold member but you can contact me at gmail and i will be there as mrjanooji
Please tell me some details about you.. Waiting for your e-mail.

Language pair: Hindi; 
February 9, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 12, 2007
Re:Want to learn Hindi
I am here to teach you Hindi, I wd like to improve my English. I am not gold member but you can contact me at gmail and i will be there as mrjanooji

Language pair: Hindi; 
February 5, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 12, 2007
Re:Re:Hello! Hola!
Sure i can help you, and this way is great to do, learn one prhase every day.
My name is Katia, me llamo Katia, and you? y tu?
im señorita, but u can tell me Katia only that will be ok. tell me what kind of prhases u want to learn.
Do u speak tamilian? hindi too?

Language pair: English; Hindi
Katia R.
February 1, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 9, 2007
Hello! Hola!
Hi, im not gold member, i want to learn hindi and improve my english, i speak spanish so i can teach it, hope somebody could help me.

Language pair: English; Hindi
Katia R.
January 29, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 9, 2007
Re:romanian for hindi....
hi lory..
I want to exchange Hindi with your romanian. I want to improve my english too.
I can teach you Hindi in return.
You can contact me as I am not gold member. but you can find me at gmail and I will be there as mrjanooji.
Hope to see u soon
urs Neil

Language pair: Romanian; Hindi
December 31, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 28, 2007
Re:to those seeking 2 learn kannada/telugu/hindi...
hoping to improve my hindi and learn kannada. native speaker of Tamil.

Language pair: Hindi; Kannada
December 10, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:hi am geetanjli

Nice to meet you. I too from India,Delhi. I realised that we can use this site for getting language partner only. Otherwise it is a slow process to write msgs here. I am trying to find some freinds for forming a group for live practice of spoken English.If you are interested, this is an offer for you.
we can form a group and can speak English in live or on phone or email. you can contact me thru gmail and my name is there mrjanooji

Language pair: Hindi; English
September 19, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:i wanna learn german, anyone out to help?
i can help u...plz contact me

Language pair: Hindi; German
July 20, 2004

# Msgs: 1

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