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searching a partner who is interrested in skateboarding
Hi, my name is Felix and I am a 14 years old boy from Mannheim/Germany. I am very interessted in the US, especially in Carlifornia, Florida and NYC. I love to skateboard and to play tennis. It would be very, very great if somebody maybe from this states or this city with the same hobbies between 13 and 16 could contact me!!!!!! I am looking forward to an e-mail, felix
Language pair: German; English
February 10, 2008
# Msgs: 12
Latest: March 13, 2008
German speaking ...
Hi, my name is Theresa and I come from Austria. If anyone needs help with German I'd like to help. We also just can chat in English. I also speak a littel bit of French. So if anyone is interested please contact me kisses Theresa
Language pair: German; English
February 8, 2008
# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 15, 2008
Re:Can someone help me?
Hi my name is Danile an I really would like to learn french. if someone could help me please contact me.
Language pair: German; French
February 8, 2008
# Msgs: 4
Latest: February 8, 2008
kathmandu reise
hallo, alle zusammen, deutsch spreche sehr gut, englisch ganz gut , aber nepalesisch überhaupt nicht im Mai fliege ich nach kathmandu für 5 wochen zu einer schamanischen Unterrichtung = sprache englisch mit dolmetscher trotzdem wäre es sehr toll, wenn ich bis dahin bereits ein wenig nepalesisch sprechen und lesen könnte any body like to help me? liebe grüße und danke für antwort
Language pair: German; Nepali
January 31, 2008
# Msgs: 1
Re:welcome offers for german-nepali exchange
hallo, dr. neupan ich fliege im Mai 2008 für 5 Wochen nach Kathmandu zu einer schamanischen Unterrichtung. Ich würde gerne bis dahin ein wenig nepalesisch sprechen und lesen lernen. ich weiß nicht, ob das über dieses Schreiben möglich ist. erbitte ihre Antwort. vielen Dank und freundliche Grüße
Language pair: Nepali; German
January 31, 2008
# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 31, 2008
Re:Je ne suis pas un membre doree . I'm not a gold member .
Hey! Funny, my name is Sarah, too. I would like to write with you but I'm not a gold member either. Maybe you know another solution? I can teach you German (as well as I manage it;-)) and I want to learn some French in exchange. I'm learning French for 3 and a half years now. Please mail back here. Salut
Language pair: French; German
Sarah S.
January 30, 2008
# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 14, 2008
welcome offers for german-nepali exchange
Hi everyone, I am willing to learn some practical German. Am willing to exchange Chinese or Nepali for German language. Am not a gold member. see ya!
Dr. neupane, nepal
Language pair: Nepali; German
Dr. Neupane ..
January 28, 2008
# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 31, 2008
Make friends in general (preferably german)
I'm Hanne-Lore, I'm 17 years old and I'm interested in contacts with people from all over the world. I can speak Dutch (mother tongue), French (second language in my country Belgium), English, German and Spanish. I prefer someone who speaks German because I'm probably going to study that language next year.
I hope you will contact me because I'm not a gold member.
Greetz from H-L
Language pair: Dutch; German
Hanne-Lore V.
January 25, 2008
# Msgs: 1
Re:Looking for friends in all over the world!!
Hi Brinie, du willst dein Deutsch verbessern??? Ich bin 27 und komme aus Deutschland, wenn du Lust hast kann ich dir gern dabei helfen. Ich möchte mich zwar eigentlich in Englisch verbessern aber da wir Bekannte in Frankreich haben kann ein bisschen französisch auch nicht schaden, allerdings spreche ich nur sehr schlecht französisch, da ich es nur in der Schule gelernt habe und seitdem nur sehr selten brauch.
Language pair: English; German
January 25, 2008
# Msgs: 7
Latest: March 17, 2008
Icelandic people
Góðan Daginn! :-)
You live in iceland and want to lern better german?
I'm searching for email contact to lern icelandic language.
Please contact me. :-)
Language pair: German; Icelandic
January 24, 2008
# Msgs: 1