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Language > Arabic, Egyptian
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Re:Just have a look !!!!
hi my names Claudia i speak English and Arabic, if you help me how to learn how to write Arabic i will teach you anything you need to know about English

Language pair: Arabic, Egyptian; English
Claudia S.
July 1, 2008

# Msgs: 10
Latest: September 16, 2008
Just have a look !!!!
I want to develop my English and I would be happy to assist anyone in learning Arabic.Let us get in contact now.

Language pair: Arabic, Egyptian; English
June 21, 2008

# Msgs: 10
Latest: September 16, 2008
i am looking for someone who can help me in Arabic, Egyptian. in return i can help with english
Not a gold member

Language pair: English; Arabic, Egyptian
Tyler A.
June 9, 2008

# Msgs: 1

how to say hello in native speaker's english
hello . i 'd like to have the chance to learn english as native speaker pronounces i 'd be grateful to you if you could help me do this to achieve my dream of travelling to america one day

Language pair: English; Arabic, Egyptian
hamada g.
May 6, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:I want to improve my English
Good day,I speak Arabic(Egyptian,Sudanese and Saudi)I like to excange these with English.Thanks.

Language pair: Arabic, Egyptian; English
Hope H.
February 25, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 25, 2008
Re:I want to learn Egyptian Arabic

anta masculine singular
femminine singular
masculine plural
femminine plural
two persons

it-hua or hya

don't worry-wala yehemmak
it's ok-aadi
welcome-ahlan wa sahlan
see you-ashoofak ala kheir

Language pair: English; Arabic, Egyptian
Abd el-Mawty M.
February 20, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 25, 2008
I want to learn Egyptian Arabic
Don´t worry
It´s ok
See you

Could someone translate those words and sayings to Egyptian Arabic? <3

Language pair: English; Arabic, Egyptian
February 16, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 25, 2008
Re:Iam in Kuwait and want to learn Arabic language
salamu aleikum
I am from Egypt and can help you in Arabic if you want.I am a student of English literature,but nowadays I am fond of Russian and other Slavonic languages.

Language pair: Arabic, Egyptian; Russian
Abd el-Mawty M.
February 9, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 9, 2008
How are you in Korean?
salamu aleikum,I am Abdo from Egypt learning Italian and Russian nowadays.Anyway someone told me that HOW ARE YOU in Korean means:
ahntuna aa masusua aa ka
while a Korean native told me it is:

So please is the first Northern and the other Southern or what?

By the way I study English literature,so I'd be happy to help anyone with his/her English.

Language pair: Arabic, Egyptian; English
Abd el-Mawty M.
February 5, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:Write to me!I am Chinese!
Hello Lin Jin, my name is Ann. How are you? I live in Singapore. Can you please help me learn Chinese? Please translate what I wrote down in Chinese. Thank you. I can teach you English, I am an English teacher.

Language pair: English; Arabic, Egyptian
January 30, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 30, 2008
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