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Language > Finnish
Category > Seeking Partners

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Re:Help my English

I'd be glad to help you practice your English skills, then you can help me learn Japanese. :)

Language pair: English; Finnish
August 22, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 22, 2009
Looking for Finnish Partner
Hello My Names Kurt i am 15 I LOVE METAL =] and was wondering if anyone would teach me Finnish it would help if you are 15 as well and have a love for metal thanks

Language pair: English; Finnish
Kurt E.
August 20, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Looking forward to improve my finnish
Hy i am looking for a language exchange partner to learn more finnish. I lived in Finland for 9 months so i have some finnish practise but i really want to speak it fluent. I could teach you German or if you want to improve your English English.


Language pair: Finnish; 
Sybille S.
August 4, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Re:Help my English
Hello, I am david, Nice to meet you, I am an American college student who learnt 2 years of japanese 4 years ago, i dont remember much, but i want to start remembering. thank you

Language pair: English; Finnish
July 31, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 22, 2009
Help my English
I'm Japanese.
I want to improve my English to get enough score on TOEFL.
Especially, writing skill is worse than other sections.

I will do my best for Japanese leaner.

Moi, olen japanilainen.
opiskelen suomea

Language pair: English; Finnish
china &.
July 30, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 22, 2009
Re:Looking for someone how helps me with Finnish
Hola Maria Jose
Que tal?
Me llamo julie.
Quiero mejorar mi espanol.
Podrias ayudarme.
Muchasimos gracias.
Que diviertas!

Language pair: Finnish; Spanish
Julie E.
July 5, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 5, 2009
Looking for someone how helps me with Finnish
Hi, I'm spanish girl looking for some help with my poor Finnish, i speak English, and I'm in beginers German level.
It would be nice find someone who can teach me and want to learn Spanish at the same time. Also, I'm open to help other people who want to learn Spanish, no matter their mother tongue :P All languages are interesting.

Language pair: Finnish; Spanish
Maria Jose B.
July 3, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 5, 2009
haluan oppia suomea!!!

Hello looking for someone to help me with my
finnish. I've just started learning this month.
I can help you with your english if you like,
I would love a penpal or someone who likes to
talk on msn troenstar at hotmail. I'm 24 my names laura I live in
houston texas. Thanks!

Language pair: English; Finnish
laura s.
June 18, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Haluaisin opiskella suomea!
Hei, minä olen saksalainen nainen ja haluaisin opiskella suomea, koska minä rakastan Suomea ja haluaisin muuttaa Suomeen jotakin. Etsin ihmisiä, jotka haluan opiskella suomea minun kanssa. Ole hyvää, minä iloitsen, kun minä saan postia. Kiitos!

Language pair: Finnish; German
Jorma 1.
June 15, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 6, 2009
Re:Looking for friends in Athens
Terve Sanna!
How are you?I'm Antigone and I study in Athens,so I'd be much interested in helping you with greek and also tell you some basic infos about the life in Athens!I love Finland and I think we'd have many things to talk about!

Language pair: Greek; Finnish
May 19, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 8, 2009
Total found: 216 !
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