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Language > English
Category > Music/Dance

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Re:Looking for a member to contact me...
Hey, I´m in buenos aires, Argentina, i can help you up with your spanish, its great for me to practice my english so it doesn´t get rusty. I´m not a gold member so you´d have to contact me


Language pair: Spanish; English
Marcelo F.
July 20, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Hey Mina!
Mina, i speak englisha and pretty good french and i am very interested in Chinese!!! send me a message if you want to teach me. I would love to have a friend from China!!!haha it'd be so cool

Language pair: English; French
Brian P.
July 17, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Music s'il vous plait?
Salut tout le monde!!! je m'appelle Brian et je cherche pour qeulque paroles. J'aime bien le francais et la music mais je ne sais pas artiste francais. Oh ouais... Je connais Mc Solaar. J'aime le rock le rap et hip-hop. Si tu es francais j'ai besoin votre l'aide. Merci beaucoup!!!!

A plus tard


Language pair: English; French
Brian P.
July 17, 2005

# Msgs: 1

HI, I´m from argentina but i´ve lived in the u.s.a for a while, so i speak perfectly well english, and i´m studying french write now, so i´m interested in sharing english for french !

Language pair: Spanish; English
Marcelo F.
June 27, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 31, 2007
Re:a children song lyrics
Do A Deer is a song from the musical, The Sound of Music. It's the song the governess Maria uses to teach the children the names of the notes of the scale:

Do: a deer, a female deer
Re: a drop of golden sun
Mi: a name I call my self
Fa: a long, long way to run
Sol: a needle pulling thread
La: a note to follow sol
Ti: a drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to Do!

Enjoy, and happy music lessons! Wo ye xihuan ting yinyue! Gen wo didi chang ge!

Mark Springer
Sacramento, CA USA

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Mark S.
June 27, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:blink 182
Hey hey! I'm from Spain and I'm 16. I love Blink too! It's amazing!! ^^

Language pair: English; Spanish
June 6, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Hello, May name is Helen And I am a Mogolian girl!but I was born in China!My mother laguage are chinese and Mongolian.I have learned English for six years and Iam pretty good at Spoken English!Iam an English major!My Second language is French! It is hard!Especially,those Spoken French!May be you can help me!And I can help you to learn English ,chinese,Mongolian,Japanese,and Korean!right now i ampreparing for a national English Skill contest and I ned more practice.The othe reason why i want to earn French is that I want t be a vol;unteer in the comming 2008 Beijing Olimpic Games.

Language pair: French; English
Ti H.
May 28, 2005

# Msgs: 1

want to improve my Nederlands can help you with English, French, Japanese, or Afrikaans
ik kan nederlands ok lezen maar ik heb meer praten en 'conversational' practice nodig.
if you're interested, my MSN is mangajin88 (yahoo.co.jp) en mijn AIM en Skype zijn MichaelSchonken
dank u wel

Language pair: English; Dutch
Michael S.
May 10, 2005

# Msgs: 1

want to improve my german (which is very basic) can help you with English, Dutch, French, Japanese, or Afrikaans
if you're interested, my msn is mangajin88 (yahoo.co.jp) and my skype and AIM is MichaelSchonken
danke schön

Language pair: English; German
Michael S.
May 10, 2005

# Msgs: 1

want to improve my japanese can help you with English, Dutch, French, or Afrikaans
if you're interested, my msn is mangajin88 (yahoo.co.jp)
and my Skype and AIM is MichaelSchonken

Language pair: English; Japanese
Michael S.
May 10, 2005

# Msgs: 1

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