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Michael S.
May 10, 2005
# Msgs: 1
May 1, 2005
# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 1, 2005
i'm from viet nam and my name's Trang,I like all kinds of music ,from classic to rock,it sometime depends on my mood.If I'm in bad mood,i want to hear pop,etc So i hope you will contact me to discuss and exchange everything about music
Language pair: Vietnamese; English
April 12, 2005
# Msgs: 1
MUSIC music ,punk,rock,Dj mixed...
well,punk music is my fav...blink182 ROCKS!!!totally!(they are pop punk i think) n someother bands like 311,Die happy.GC,NFG,eve 6,the vines......Dance music is cool too,like paul orkenford,rocks!hope you'll like them , i found a new band called republica...pretty good..not sure if they're electronic or others ..heehee reply to me if you like those...
Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
April 6, 2005
# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 1, 2005
Jason Mraz music
Hi! I love Jason Mraz's music,(an american singer) but not many people have heard of him! Do any of you like him too? p.s I am English, but also speak French and Italian, Fiona :)
Language pair: English; All
March 30, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Salut Lisa :) Je suis anglaise, j'aime aussi la musique rock, est-ce-que tu aimes Greenday? i love them, i also like muse, good charlotte, nirvana, mostly i know english and american rock bands, are there many French rock bands? Fiona
Language pair: French; English
March 30, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Dance musci rocks,i never knew before
well,i like punk i have to say,but i recently find that dance music could be sooo cool,house,trance...Dj mixed...asm! going to school to you later when im back *_*
Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
March 21, 2005
# Msgs: 1
IRISH music
Hi, I'm 17 boy and I really love the Irish music. I play tin whistle and irish flute. I'd like to meet any Irish person who helps me to get better my English and to tell me more about the Irish music and tradition. (and maybe some of Irish Gaelic language). I can teach Catalan and Spanish. Please reply me!
Language pair: Catalan; English
March 18, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Re:Chevaliers de la table ronde
Chevaliers de la Table Ronde Goûtons voir si le vin est bon Chevaliers de la Table Ronde Goûtons voir si le vin est bon Goûtons voir, oui, oui, oui Goûtons voir, non, non, non Goûtons voir si le vin est bon. Goûtons voir, oui, oui, oui Goûtons voir, non, non, non Goûtons voir si le vin est bon.
S'il est bon, s'il est agréable J'en boirai jusqu'à mon plaisir
J'en boirai cinq a six bouteilles Et encore ce n'est pas beaucoup
Si je meurs, je veux qu'on m'enterre Dans une cave où il y a du bon vin
Les deux pieds contre la muraille Et la tête sous le robinet
Et les quatre plus grands ivrognes Porteront les quat' coins du drap
Pour donner le discours d'usage On prendra le bistrot du coin
Et si le tonneau se débouche J'en boirai jusqu'à mon plaisir
Et s'il en reste quelques gouttes Ce sera pour nous rafraîchir
Sur ma tombe je veux qu'on inscrive Ici gît le Roi des buveurs
If you search the lyric of this song, Je ne sais pas si vous voulez les paroles mais les voilà de toute façon. Si vous avez d'autres questions, e-mail me. If you have a question about this song, e-mail me. Bye bye Real de Montreal
Language pair: English; Spanish
February 20, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Re:Will dance for ENGLISH =P
Goodness we have so many unemployed theater people in New York already! Are you sure you want to be yet another dancer/singer/actor? :-) Actually, you dont have to dance at all. There are a few of us amongst the 10 million people in the area who think language exchange rocks and would not mind helping you out.
*does goofy dance just to join the fun*
have a good day!
Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Johnny R.
January 20, 2005
# Msgs: 1