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Re:Help with song lyrics
Here's a some sort of translation, I hope it'll help you :D.
I know I'm not beautiful or anything. I understand very well if you want to leave me. What have I got that I could give you, you that don't have anybody. I'm nothing special, but you're amazing.
I will never stop loving you. You are everything I've got and everything I want. I hope you want to stay with me. That you're there for me like I'm here for you. Don't give up.
Life is a riddle/mystery. You're the answer to it (the riddle). Everything else can disappear if you only stay by me. When I'm in doubt. It feels like everything has come to an end. I sink into helplessness and I can't find my way out.
I will never stop loving you. You are everything I've got and everything I want. I hope you want to stay with me. That you're there for me like I'm here for you. Don't give up.
When I screw up. When I deceive/abandon you. When I destroy and damage. Please stay anyway. Believe in us two. Because you know what I will do. Yes, what I will do.
I will never stop loving you. You are everything I've got and everything I want. I hope you want to stay with me. That you're there for me like I'm here for you. Love me then.
I will never stop loving you. You are everything I've got and everything I want. I hope you want to stay with me. That you're there for me like I'm here for you. Love me then, love me then, love me then.
Language pair: Finnish; English
Hanna H.
December 30, 2004
# Msgs: 1
some of my favorite artists
The Beatles The Byrds The Monkees The Left Banke The Zombies Fairport Convention Beach Boys Donovan Phil Ochs Teenage Fanclub Redd Kross Belle and Sebastian High Llams Hanoi Rocks David Bowie
Language pair: English; All
December 6, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Looking for Dutch/Nederlands rock music.
Hello, I'm a 16 year old who loves languages and music. Does any body now of any good Dutch/Nederlands rock or pop music? I'm learning Dutch and I think listening to songs of the language you're studying really helps for immersion. I am also looking for a Dutch pen/chat partner. Thankyou very much, Michael
Language pair: English; Dutch
Michael S.
October 21, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan by Nightwish, English translation
Hi everybody! Many of you have wondered what the Finnish lyrics in Nightwish's Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan mean. Here's a translation (it's not perfect and it's far too direct to sound beautiful but I hope you understand it after this :)):
Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan
Kerran vain haaveeni nähdä sain En pienuutta alla tähtien tuntenut Kerran sain kehtooni kalterit Vankina sieltä kirjettä kirjoitan
Luojani, luoksesi anna minun tulla siksi miksi lapseni minua luulee
Sinussa maailman kauneus Josta kuolema teki minusta taiteilijan
Luojani, luoksesi anna minun tulla siksi miksi lapseni minua luulee
Oman taivaan tänne loin Anna minun päästä pois
Death Creates an Artist (from the album Once)
I saw my dream only once I didn't feel myself small under the stars One time I got bars to my cradle As a prisoner I'm writing a letter there
My Lord, let me come to you to that kind of thing my child thinks I am
The beauty of the world in you From which the death made me an artist
My Lord, let me come to you to that kind of thing my child thinks I am
I created my own sky here Let me get away
Language pair: Finnish; English
Hanna H.
October 9, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Italian and Cha cha music please
Hi, does anybody know any good popular Italian songs or some good songs to dance cha cha to? thanks
Language pair: English; Italian
September 30, 2004
# Msgs: 1
September 10, 2004
# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 10, 2004
Re: Enjoy learning Latin Music!
For Noel and for Everybody: Música Romántica Español-Inglés para la tercera edad
Romantic music appropriates for giving one “Serenatas” For enjoy with a nice company in a lovely place! Para disfrutar con agradable compañía en un agradable lugar!
Here you can find one classic song from Los Panchos, one old musical guitar trio that had disappeared (That is not more here)
Little Ray of Moonlight Like a little ray of moonlight that slept between the jungles * As the light of your eyes illuminate my poor life * You gave light to the road in my unfortunate nights * Brightening my sky like a clear little ray of moonlight Little ray of white moonlight that brightens my path * As your love in my life, the truth of my destiny You gave light to the rood in my unfortunate nights * Brightening my sky like a clear little ray of moonlight.
Rayito de luna Como un rayito de luna * que entre las selvas dormía * así la luz de tus ojos iluminaba mi pobre vida * Tu diste luz al sendero en las noches sin fortuna * iluminando mi cielo como un rayito claro de luna * Rayito de luna blanca que iluminas mi camino * así tu amor en mi vida * la verdad de mi destino. Tú diste luz al sendero en mis noches sin fortuna * iluminando mi cielo * como un rayito claro de luna.
You can find the music of this song in the site In the Section named “Serenatas”
I would like that learn to sing and enjoy it and that can help to be sure that SHE will say YES….
Language pair: Spanish; English
maryjaponte l.
September 5, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Re: Musica Latina para todo el mundo!!!
Musica latina para todo el mundo! Hola Noel. Te dedico esta canción: Musica Romantica con traduccion al Inglés Romantic Music Spanish English –
Tu me acostumbraste For drinking something in a bar…..but no so much.
Tu me acostumbraste (Frank Dominguez) Tu me acostumbraste a todas esas cosas Y tú me enseñaste que son maravillosas. Sutil llegaste a mi como una tentación Llenando de inquietud mi corazón
Yo no concebía como se quería En tu mundo raro y por ti aprendí Por eso me pregunto al ver que me olvidaste Porque no me enseñaste como se vive sin tí
You’ve Accustomed Me
You have accustomed me to all these things And you have shown me that are marvelous Suddenly you came to me like a temptation Filling my heart with restlessness.
I didn’t conceive how one could love in Your strange world. And because of you I learned. That is why I ask myself I see that you forgotten me Why didn’t you show me how one could live without you?
Language pair: English; Spanish
maryjaponte l.
September 5, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Song translated into English "Bir ask hikayesi"
Bir ask hikayesi
bizimkisi bir ask hikayesi siyah beyaz film gibi biraz gozyasi, VE umut ihtiras bizimkisi alev gibi biraz alev gibi
bizimkisi bir ask hikayesi siyah beyaz film gibi biraz ates VE CSU, dikenle gul gibi bizimkisi novel gibi biraz
le more guller senin icin le gonul ikimizin hic uzulme aglama sen gulum sev daima(2)
bizimkisi bir ask hikayesi siyah beyaz film gibi biraz huzunlu sonbahar kapisindan cikmak gibi aydinliga biraz
bizimkisi bir ask hikayesi siyah beyaz film gibi biraz ates VE CSU, dikenle gul gibi bizimkisi novel gibi biraz
le more guller senin icin le gonul ikimizin hic uzulme aglama sen gulum sev daima(2)
** siir **
ne guzeldi degil mi yasadiklarimiz ne guzeldi artiki ne sen ne de ben bulamayiz o gunleri. bazen dusunuyorumda bende de yanlis more birseyler vardi galiba diyorum ikimizde kiymetini bilemedik birseylerin. hatirlar misin aksam olur mumlarimizi yakardik sen kokunu surerdin oda sen kokardi olmadik seylere durup dururken aglardik guzel havalarda sokaklara cikardik birde kar yaginca kartopu oynardik seninle sen iskambil kagitlarindan fal bakardin istedigin cikmadiginda kagitlari bir daha karardin cok kizardin sigara ictigime VE ickime karisirdin uzun uzun zararlarini anlatirdin bana ara sira rejim yapardin tarti you dogru tartsa bir yanlis tartardi yani onunlada anlasamazdin komsunun cocuklari vardi bizim kizla oynarlardi cocuk bahcesine giderdiniz ben televizyonda maca bakardim ara sira arkadaslar gelir sohbet ederdik surdan burdan konusurduk iste benim askerlik hatiralarim senin dogum hikayelerin bitmezdi ilk tanistigimiz gunu hatirlar gulerdik sen bana "ustumde ne vardi" diye sorardin bende ago seferinde hatirlamazdim... simdi hatirliyorum kirmizi bir kazak, siyah bir etek siyah coraplar VE kirmizi pabuclarin VE bir persembe gunu seed ikiyi there geciyordu ikimizde onumuze bakmadik carpistik once sen pardon dedin sonra ben yere dusen kitaplarini topladim goz goze geldik VE basladik film gibi yani son mektubunu dun aldim tesekkur ederim ben sana yazmistim grip salgini var demistim bak yine gribe yakalanmissin neyse gecmis olsun buralarda there hava soguk ama hasta falan degilim le gozluklerle basim dertte hayat iste yuvarlanip gidiyoruz hepinizi cok ozledim...
bizimkisi bir ask hikayesi siyah beyaz film gibi biraz ates VE CSU, dikenle gul gibi bizimkisi novel gibi biraz. Hoping someone can help me translate this song into English. I have listened to it and it is a beautiful sounding Turkish song, even though I don't understand one word. Thanks if you can help me.
Language pair: Turkish; English
September 4, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Re:I Need someone to teach me Greek and Spanish
Hola Zimkitha:
I am going to enter today a message to Monica that must be diffivult for you You can look for my messages in the Section Others with different levels from easiear to more difficult.
Look for Music Shakira songs.
I dont know if you can ...but I thing that learning Grrek and Spanish , at the same time, is very diffiicult.
I recomend you a site "" where you can find letters of songs in Spanish and try to see movies at TV witn spanish subtitles and speakers in English. You can look for Enciclopoedia Encarta at Internet CUstoms of diferents countries. I live in Venezuela and we are famous because we are very open witn everybody and ver drinker (people who drink a lot of alcohol. A lot of people is "Parrandera" Like to be at the street until late at night dancing and drinking.
We have a famous singer named Oscar de Leon who had visited until Japan with "Música de Salsa" and others are Franco de Vita, Armando Montaner. Others latin singers are Thalia, Maná group, Shakira, Juan Luis Guerra, ...
If you want can write me some songs that you like and I can explain the meaning if I can obtain the letters.
Estoy a la orden para cualquier pregunta de vocabulario, Gramática, Costumbres o lo que quieras saber.
Cordiales Saludos, Mary
Language pair: English; Spanish
maryjaponte l.
August 31, 2004
# Msgs: 1