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World University Games in Ruhr area next year
In 2025 the Ruhr area and also my city Duisburg will be hosting the World University Games and maybe the ladies' waterpolo games will even take place at my swimclub! I look forward to seeing some of you there.

En 2025, la région de la Ruhr et ma ville, Duisbourg, accueilleront les Jeux universitaires mondiaux et peut-être que les jeux de waterpolo féminins se dérouleront même dans mon club de natation ! J'ai hâte de voir certains d'entre vous là-bas.

Language pair: English; French
Astrid G.
October 8, 2024

# Msgs: 1

Exchange with football coach english who learn italian
Hello, I'm Salvatore and I'm a football coach. I am looking for a soccer coach who speaks English and would like to speak Italian

Language pair: Italian; English
Salvatore F.
March 24, 2023

# Msgs: 1

Motto for the anniversary of a sportsclub
My swimming club is celebrating its 125th anniversary and has launched a competition for ideas for a motto.

Do you have any ideas?

For your information, many people spend their free time there in the summer, you can swim, play water polo, take part in sports courses or just relax.

Language pair: English; 
Astrid G.
January 9, 2023

# Msgs: 1

Re:Quem quer jogar futebol?
Eu acho que você vai ter um tempo difícil em encontrar as melhores opções para considerar agora. o país está cheio de jogadores conhecidos, e você precisa fazer um grande nome se você realmente quer inventar uma opção muito melhor também. Por isso posso dizer que não tem sorte, a menos que tenha um talento em termos de melhor aparência. é algo que vocês devem saber sobre especialmente se quiserem apresentar as maiores mudanças sobre como vai funcionar bem nesse sentido se quiserem ter a grande break que estão à procura.

Language pair: Portuguese; English
William S.
November 14, 2022

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 14, 2022
Duisburg bewegt sich - exhibition of Duisburg's sportsclubs
Nach 2 Jahren coronabedingter Pause gibt es dieses Jahr wieder die Veranstaltung “Duisburg bewegt sich” und auch wir, der Duisburger Schwimmverein DSV98, sind wieder mit dabei.

Kommen Sie gern an unseren Stand und informieren sich, wenn Sie Interesse haben an:

Breitensport wie Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi…
und bei all diesen Aktivitäten auch nette Leute kennenlernen möchten.

After 2 years of corona break, "Duisburg bewegt sich" is back! All along Koenigstrasse, sports clubs will inform about their programme and also invite to participatory activities.
And also we, the Duisburg swimming club DSV98 ( a picture of our area is above ), will be there again.
Feel free to come to our booth and inform yourself if you are interested in:
water polo
Swimming courses
popular sports like Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi...
and would like to meet nice people during all these activities.

Language pair: German; English
Astrid G.
August 18, 2022

# Msgs: 1

I'm just wondering if sportsclubs ( "Sportvereine" are something typical German or if they exist in other countries, too.
Of course there are a lot of people who practise sports individually, like running, walking, going to the fitness centre...but many who do a certain type of sports are organized in a Sportverein. Such a sportsclub usually has a association board. One of the board members for example takes care of the finance, another one of the maintainance of the club's facilities, another one of competitions, another one of social events. Members pay a contribution which goes to the maintainance of the club's facilities. There are sportsclubs for any type of sport, such as football clubs, tennis clubs, rowing club, and some also offer various types of sport. My swimming club, for example, in addition to swimming offers waterpolo, triathlon and aquajogging.
Although there are a lot of sportsclubs for competetive sports, most of them are for leisure time sports or combine both.

Je me demande si les clubs de sport ("Sportvereine") sont quelque chose de typiquement allemand ou s'ils existent aussi dans d'autres pays.
Bien sûr, il y a beaucoup de gens qui pratiquent des sports individuellement, comme courir, marcher, aller au centre de fitness... mais beaucoup de ceux qui pratiquent un certain type de sport sont organisés dans un Sportverein. Un tel club de sport a généralement un conseil d'administration d'association. Un des membres du conseil s'occupe par exemple des finances, un autre de l'entretien des installations du club, un autre des compétitions, un autre des événements sociaux. Les membres paient une cotisation qui sert à l'entretien des installations du club. Il existe des clubs sportifs pour tout type de sport, comme les clubs de football, de tennis, d'aviron, et certains proposent également différents types de sport. Mon club de natation, par exemple, propose, outre la natation, le waterpolo, le triathlon et l'aquajogging.
Bien qu'il existe de nombreux clubs de sport pour les sports de compétition, la plupart d'entre eux proposent des sports de loisirs ou combinent les deux.

Language pair: English; French
Astrid G.
November 12, 2021

# Msgs: 1

Did anybody of you already take part in an Ironman or help as a volunteer? I volunteered at Ironman Duisburg and I thought it was quite an interesting experience.

Language pair: German; English
Astrid G.
September 20, 2021

# Msgs: 1

Re:American Football
I think it's just to point out the difference between European football what you call soccer and what you call football, which is a totally different thing.

Language pair: English; - Other -
Astrid G.
September 15, 2021

# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 15, 2021
Is anybody interested in waterpolo? I am a member of a swimclub that also has a great waterpolo team called DSV98.

Language pair: English; German
Astrid G.
September 14, 2021

# Msgs: 1

Necesito mejorar mi english
Hola a todos my name is Feliz o from Ecuador help me whit Englis me contactar por correo y también con el mismo correo en Skype tengo teléfono whasap me ayudan please

Language pair: English; 
Denis N.
May 9, 2021

# Msgs: 1

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