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I need someone to help me with my French
I am a journalists from Uganda now living in Kenya .
Right now am trying to learn french using Duolingo and need a language buddy to help me practice (Preferably Female)
I am a slow learner so hope you have some patience with me . In exchange - You will be able to practice English with me
Thank you
Language pair: English; French
Grace A.
April 30, 2015
# Msgs: 1
People from Jersey, Channel Islands
Hi, I'm Anneka and I'm 16. I really want to contact people from Jersey in the Channel Islands because I love it! If there are any people who are native French speakers living in Jersey then please contact me as I want to improve my French. If you speak English fluently, then please contact me even so, because I really want to speak to people from Jersey :)
Language pair: English; French
February 6, 2009
# Msgs: 1
Je cherche pour une francaise ou une canadienne-francaise...
Salut. Je suis anglaise et je voudrais ameliorer mon francais. Je veux ecrire avec une fille francaise ou une fille canadienne (où leur langue maternelle est francais) entre 15 a 20 ans, si possible. Me contacter! Merci, Anneka x
Language pair: French; English
December 10, 2008
# Msgs: 1
Re:Essai sur les élections législatives algériennes
Voilà, j'ai essayé mais à partir de "car dans les 10 dernières actions de fraude", j'ai eu un peu de mal..
les élections législatives algériennes qui se sont déroulées le 17 mai dernier ont connu une évolution intéressante sur le plan politique, marqué par le désengagement de l'administration publique de la sène politique. La complicité de l'administration dans les 10 dernières actions frauduleuses ayant été reconnue, la transition nécessaire n'a pas été possible, ce qui a fait apparaitre une nouvelle classe politique maigre et sans projets (ni dans la forme, ni dans le fond)
Language pair: French;
July 3, 2007
# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 3, 2007
Essai sur les éléction législatives algériènne
voudriez vous juger cette paragraphe si elle est juste gramaticalement.
les éléction législatives algériènne deroulait le 17 mai dernier a connai une evolution intéressante sur le plan politique marqué par le désengagment de l'adminisration publique de la sène politique, car dans les 10 dernières complicité de l'administration dans des actions de fraud est aprouvée, ce qui n'a permi pas de faire la transition necessaire ,cela a fait apparaitre une nouvelle classe politique maigre et sans projets (ni dans la forme, ni dans le fond)
Language pair: French;
Ahmed o.
May 21, 2007
# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 3, 2007
Re:Elections in France
Bonjour, A vrai dire, c'est plutot serré entre Sarkozy et Royale, nous votons la semaine prochaine, Sarko est donné gagnant à 52% contre 48%.Il faut espérer que la tendance s'inverse.Les frnaçais sont-ils prêt à avoir une femme présidente? A bientot. Cindy.
Language pair: French; English
April 29, 2007
# Msgs: 1
Re:Re:Re:War in Lebanon
Could you tell us who is house in such fondamentalist religious terrorist organisation like Al qaida,Hamas,Hesbollah..? Have you seen any organisation in occidental country preached the destruction of a part of world in the name of god? Have you ever seen a christian transformed in a bomb and burst himself in a m
Language pair: French; English
August 2, 2006
# Msgs: 11
Latest: December 7, 2008
Français & Español: voice chat
Bonjour! ¡Hola! Hejsan!
Dear Friends! I’m a young lad in my 30-s, optimistic and with sense of humor. If you are native FRENCH or SPANISH speakers and want to communicate live in voice chat, I’d be more than happy to make your acquaintance. In return I can offer you Russian & Swedish.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Let’s talk!
Language pair: French; Spanish
December 17, 2005
# Msgs: 1
> When I think of Finland, I imagine a beautiful country
It is said that beauty is in the eye of beholder. However, I agree that there are many people who like Finland because of the features you mention, and I like it, too.
> I think that the people there pay much attention to the environment and that makes the country really pure.
Low density of population also helps to maintain purity.
> It allegedly has heavy taxes, but in exchange welfare is pretty developped.
Many people think that the welfare WAS developed. Two decades ago we were proud of our welfare, especially the support for poor people, but since then things have deteriorated quite much. I hope we can fix the problem before we forget how.
> A kind of heaven...
Our heaven has long, dark, and coldish winter -- not extreme, perhaps, but troublesome.
On the other hand, I admit that Finnish summer is so lovely, that I am willing to pay for it by suffering the winter. Finland (or Scandinavia) is unique with its combination of reasonable climate and arctic sunlight.
Language pair: French; English
Juha-Petri T.
September 2, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Media Madness Part I of II
Hi Arnaud,
I~{!/~}m certainly not saying that our media is perfect, and I don~{!/~}t deny that there have been some horrible goof-ups now and then. Certainly there are problems with our public media, and as the large networks continue to snake around and remove FCC anti-trust regulations, things are certainly not going in a positive direction.
The problem is, what would you do to fix the system? As long as the U.S. continues to be a capitalist republic, the primary motive of the media will continue to be profits and market share. This means that they will air what people want to watch, and the sad truth is that sex and violence always sells. I would love to see a whole lot more socially valuable content, but then, that~{!/~}s why we have public stations and why I use them.
There is a tremendous amount of pressure on reporters to ~{!0~}scoop~{!1~} the competition by getting their reports in quickly. But these people are professionals. They know that that is what the job consists of when they decide to take it, and their job is to excel at getting and confirming the facts quickly and keeping their own network out in front. This is the basis of free market competition, and it is true of any industry. This is the market system we have chosen to work in. So if Dan Rather (whom I~{!/~}ve always respected deeply) makes his allegations about the president without having all of his evidence in order beforehand, he lets us all down. He fails in his efforts to bring the truth to life, and he fails to behave professionally as a news reporter. It broke my heart, what happened, but I have to confess that Rather bungled his job worse than a first year rookie. I don~{!/~}t know how it happened, but there it is.
The Florida election announcement in 2000 was also a terrible blunder on the part of the media. I have no doubt that it may well have altered the outcome of the election. But that, I blame, not on the media, who are human beings with a job to do, and should be expected to make mistakes now and then, but on the Democratic party, for failing to do what it takes to get a solid message out to the voters and provide the party leadership we need in order to win the White House. It is wrong for one news station to skew the outcome of the election, but it is wrong that the Democratic party let the election get so close.
This doesn~{!/~}t justify the irresponsible behavior of the station in question. Whoever decided to make that announcement and whoever made it should both have been fired. Nonetheless, I hold the news media responsible for reporting news, and I hold the political parties responsible for getting their candidates elected. But I attribute this to incompetence of individuals, not to fundamental problems with the media. (Continued: See Media Madness Part II of II)
Language pair: French; English
Mark S.
April 19, 2005
# Msgs: 26
Latest: April 23, 2005