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James A.
May 20, 2023
# Msgs: 1
Re:Learning Parties
Hello I'd like to learn more of the Italian language. Listening to some videos in Italian . Read some.
Language pair: Italian; French
Sadie A.
May 16, 2022
# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 16, 2022
Learning Parties
Mi chiamo Antonio. insegno Italiano per stranieri e Francese. Ho un video di presentazione su youtube. Chiave di ricerca Antonio Aucello Tutor. Organizzo anche quelle che chiamo "Feste dell'Apprendimento" , eventi online che permettono di imparare insieme e crescere personalmente. Per esprimersi ed imparare insieme ho deciso di aprire a tutti la "notte dei talenti" che si terrà il 19 ed il 20 Dicembre dalle 15:00 alle 17:00 su zoom. Io avrò l'onore di presentare tutte le performance. Per saperne di più e partecipare contattami subito! Condivido con voi che Vorrei iniziare ad avere delle classi piuttosto che studenti singoli, e che vorrei continuare ad organizzare feste dell'apprendimento aperte a tutti. Spero di poter continuare con voi ed esprimo gratitudine.
My name is Antonio. I teach Italian and French. My video presentation is on YouTube: key search Antonio Aucello Tutor. I propose my students to join what I call “learning parties” to learn creatively and challenge themselves for their personal growth. Concentration, confidence and creativity, these are the key concepts of the method. I decided to give everyone the opportunity to join these events. The Talents Night will be held on zoom on December 19th and 20th from 3 to 5 pm. I will have the honor to present the performances. To know more and join please contact me now! I also share with you that I’d like to teach groups of students and not only individually. Plus keep organising free learning parties. I hope to continue with you and I express gratitude.
Language pair: Italian; French
Antonio A.
December 4, 2020
# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 16, 2022
Re:Free English/French teaching
I want to learn English and I’m a teacher when I was in China . I have over five years teaching experience and I can help improve your teaching skill while you teach me
Language pair: English; French
August 3, 2018
# Msgs: 4
Latest: August 3, 2018
Favian F.
May 2, 2018
# Msgs: 4
Latest: August 3, 2018
Mei M.
February 13, 2018
# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 13, 2018
Jessica F.
January 16, 2018
# Msgs: 4
Latest: August 3, 2018
Free English/French teaching
Greetings, I have a degree in English language, culture and civilization and currently studying applied linguistics. I'd probably end up as an English teacher, at some point. Thus, I'd very much like to teach anyone who's willing to learn. This will serve, at the same time, as training for me. I can also teach you French.
Language pair: English; French
December 27, 2017
# Msgs: 4
Latest: August 3, 2018
Lamyaa B.
April 25, 2017
# Msgs: 10
Latest: April 14, 2018
Re:improving my spoken English
Hello Yaxime; I am an English native speaker. I also learned French at age 5 when my parent's immigrated to Montreal, Canada. I would be happy to help you and also perfect my French. Regards Antonio (Tony) Diaz
Language pair: English; French
Antonio D.
January 25, 2017
# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 25, 2017