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Suchen Sie jemanden, der Deutsch spricht
Willkommen. Ich suche jemanden, mit dem ich die deutsche Sprache sprechen kann. Ich hoffe, dass er die deutsche Sprache gut beherrscht. Mein Niveau ist jetzt B2 in der deutschen Sprache, und im Gegenzug werde ich ihm das Sprechen beibringen die arabische Sprache gut.
Language pair: German; Arabic, Middle Eastern
January 27, 2025
# Msgs: 1
Cycling courses for adults
Wusstet Ihr, dass es auch Fahrradkurse für Erwachsene gibt? Gerne weitersagen, falls Ihr jemand kennt, für den das in Frage kommt. Links zu posten ist hier sicher nicht erlaubt, aber schaut gerne auf der Seite des ADFC, da findet Ihr diese Kurse.
Did you know that there are also cycling classes for adults? Kindly inform people who might be interested. I think I am not allowed to share the link here, but have a look at the website of ADFC; you will find the courses there.
Language pair: German; English
Astrid G.
April 1, 2023
# Msgs: 1
Assistance with foreign covid19 certificates ( Germany )
If someone has problems with the acceptance of his covid-19 vaccination certificate which was issued outside of the EC, he can get an EC digital vaccination certificate with a QR code at Theater am Marientor, Duisburg, or at a pharmacy. The condition is that (s)he received a vaccination which is valid in Germany. Currently these are Biontech/Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca, Novavax and Johnson & Johnson. Also most other problems concerning covid-19 certificates can be solved there. You can send an email to the city of Duisburg and ask if we can solve your problem.
Language pair: German; English
Astrid G.
March 16, 2022
# Msgs: 1
Covid-19 vaccinations ( Duisburg area, Germany )
I hope that I am allowed to post this here since it might be useful for those who haven't go their Covid-19-vaccination yet and want to get it.
Decentralised vaccinations will be offered again next week at the following locations from 10.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. each day:
Monday 10.01.2022: Protestant church community Meiderich
Tuesday 11.01.2022: Training Centre for Crafts Neumühl
Wednesday 12.01.2022: Christuskirche Duisburg
Thursday 13.01.2022: Logport Duisburg
Friday 14.01.2022: University of Duisburg/Essen, Duisburg
In addition to the decentralised offers, it is still possible to get vaccinated at one of the following four locations from 10.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. (Monday-Sunday):
Bürgermeister-Wendel-Platz in Alt-Homberg, Lauerstraße, 47198 Duisburg
Area opposite the Merkez Mosque Duisburg
Former Real car park, Duisburg
Forecourt of the main railway station, Duisburg
Issue of vaccination certificates
As usual, the colleagues are available at the container at the Theater am Marientor from 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. from Monday to Friday.
One more hint:
In order to find you in the system, we still need the following information:
1.) Who did you register with? Via the number of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, by e-mail, via your employer or did you spontaneously drop by without registering?
2.) When did the vaccinations take place? If you do not remember the exact date, please try to narrow it down as much as possible at they have a chance to find you in the system.
3.) Where were you for vaccination?
Small tip: If you received your vaccination certificate when you were vaccinated, make a copy of it. This way you won't forget the date of your vaccination and they can find you much faster in the system, should a re-registration become necessary.
Primarily digital vaccination certificates are created.
Our colleagues only have a limited number of yellow vaccination cards in stock and this is primarily intended for people who cannot be expected to go to the pharmacy and buy one ( costs about 1 or 2 Euros ) because of their age ( 80 + ) or a walking impediment.
Language pair: German; English
Astrid G.
January 6, 2022
# Msgs: 1
Weihnachtsmärkte / merchés de Noel
Gibt es in Euren Ländern auch Weihnachtsmärkte? Oder ist das etwas typisch Deutsches? Wegen Covid-19 finden jedoch dieses Jahr nicht in allen Städten Weihnachtsmärkte statt, und wo sie stattfinden, gelten besondere Regeln. Hier in Duisburg zum Beispiel muss man gegen Corona geimpft oder von einer Corona-Infektion genesen sein.
Y-a-t'il des marchés de noel aussi en vos pays? Ou sont-ils quelque chose typicalement allemand? Mais cette année, à cause de Covid-19, il n'y a pas des marchés de noel dans toutes les villes, et où ils on lieu, des règles particulieres applicent. Ici à Duisburg, par exemple, il faut etre vacciné contre la maladie de Corona ou s'être remis d'une infection par la maladie de Corona.
Language pair: German; French
Astrid G.
November 25, 2021
# Msgs: 1
Re:Searching for english chat partner
Hallo Diana,
Konnten Sie mit mir Deutsch sprechen? Ich muss oft uben weil ich ein Test uber meine Deutschkentnisse habe. Habe ich das gut geschrieben?
Language pair: English; German
Catarina N.
February 8, 2021
# Msgs: 7
Latest: February 8, 2021
Justin M.
May 19, 2020
# Msgs: 1
Shankar S.
January 29, 2020
# Msgs: 7
Latest: February 8, 2021
What to do when you have enough penpals?
I have enough penpals for now. If I turn off the option for email chat will I still receive responses from members I am already in contact with?
Language pair: English; German
Clare H.
March 7, 2018
# Msgs: 1
June 5, 2017
# Msgs: 1