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Re: Translation in Icelandic or Old Norse
Hi Freyja,
regarding the sentence “You are our family”, does “you” refer to one person, two persons, or more than two persons? (The number of people being addressed will determine how to translate the pronoun into Old Norse and Icelandic.) Given the content of the sentence, I presume that when there is a choice, you would prefer an informal pronoun to a formal pronoun?
The word “family” has more than one meaning. If “you” refers to one person, then would you say that “family” means “relative”? If “you” refers to more than one person, then “family” could mean “immediate family” (e.g. “nuclear family”), or “extended family” (like “kin”), or “close-knit group of people” (e.g. “corporate family”). Which sense of “family” do you mean?
Language pair: English; Icelandic
October 16, 2020
# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 16, 2020
Freyja C.
October 14, 2020
# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 16, 2020
Honey L.
March 6, 2017
# Msgs: 1
Honey L.
March 6, 2017
# Msgs: 1
Quiero aprender islandés
hola soy laura tengo 18 años y quisiera prender islandés, te puedo ayudar con español :D
Language pair: Spanish; Icelandic
Laura R.
April 23, 2016
# Msgs: 1
Icelandic phrase help
Hi :) I have a phrase in English, and am hoping someone could translate it into Icelandic for me. It is "grow till tall", which is the same as "grow until tall". Thank you so much, and please let me know if I can return the favour!
Language pair: English; Icelandic
June 14, 2014
# Msgs: 1
Learn Icelandic
I really need to learn icelandic nd i hope sm1 helps me, i will forever appreciate it
Language pair: Icelandic;
O.K N.
May 27, 2014
# Msgs: 1
youssef i.
March 18, 2014
# Msgs: 1
Please, help me translate this beautiful Icelandic song into Swedish or English
Ó hve létt er þitt skóhljóð ó hve leingi ég beið þín, það er vorhret á glugga, napur vindur sem hvín, en ég veit eina stjörnu, eina stjörnu sem skín, og nú loks ertu komin, þú ert komin til mín.
Það eru erfiðir tímar, það er atvinnuþref, ég hef ekkert að bjóða, ekki ögn sem ég gef, nema von mína og líf mitt hvort ég vaki eða sef, þetta eitt sem þú gafst mér það er alt sem ég hef.
En í kvöld lýkur vetri sérhvers vinnandi manns, og á morgun skín maísól, það er maísólin hans, það er maísólin okkar, okkar einíngarbands, fyrir þér ber ég fána þessa framtíðarlands.
Google: svenskaengelskaarabiskaAlpha Åh hur lätt är dina fotspår åh vad jag leingi din begäran, Det vorhret fönstret, bitande vinden som gnäller, men jag vet en stjärna, en stjärna som lyser, och nu äntligen är du här, du har kommit till mig.
Det finns tuffa tider, Det är en professionell veck Jag har inget att erbjuda, inte att jag ger lite, men min förhoppning och mitt liv om jag vaknar eller sover, detta som du gav mig Det är allt jag har.
Men ikväll slutar vintern varje arbetsdag människa, och imorgon skiner Maison, Det maísólin hans Det är vår maísólin Våra einíngarbands, för dig Jag bär flaggan framtid i detta land.
Language pair: Icelandic; Swedish
Hawk G.
October 2, 2012
# Msgs: 1
Adolfo B.
November 30, 2011
# Msgs: 1