Vocabulary/Translations - Translation in Icelandic or Old Norse - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Translation in Icelandic or Old Norse

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Translation in Icelandic or Old Norse
How do you say "You are our family in Old Norse or Icelandic?

Language pair: English; Icelandic

October 14, 2020

Re: Translation in Icelandic or Old Norse
Hi Freyja,

regarding the sentence “You are our family”, does “you” refer to one person, two persons, or more than two persons? (The number of people being addressed will determine how to translate the pronoun into Old Norse and Icelandic.) Given the content of the sentence, I presume that when there is a choice, you would prefer an informal pronoun to a formal pronoun?

The word “family” has more than one meaning. If “you” refers to one person, then would you say that “family” means “relative”? If “you” refers to more than one person, then “family” could mean “immediate family” (e.g. “nuclear family”), or “extended family” (like “kin”), or “close-knit group of people” (e.g. “corporate family”). Which sense of “family” do you mean?

Language pair: English; Icelandic
This is a reply to message # 238022
October 16, 2020


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