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Re:Can anyboby help me here??
I can answer to the second your question. 1) you can say in more formal speech: NESIJAUDINK or NESINERVINK 2) in real real slang it would be: NESIPARINK (in reality this word does not exist at all)
Language pair: Spanish; Lithuanian
November 3, 2014
# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 3, 2014
Can anyboby help me here??
I need to translate the two sentences below into lithuanian!!
- Eso no lo sabrás nunca - Descuida! ( like someone advising of something and you answer: Dont worry! but using the word DESCUIDA, like slang)
Please can anyone translate from spanish to lithuaninan?? I need it before Monday next week!
Language pair: Spanish; Lithuanian
Daniel R.
March 15, 2013
# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 3, 2014
Lithuanian Help!
Sveikas! Hello! I am a fifteen-year-old native English speaker who really, really wants to learn to speak, read and write Lithuanian... but I can't speak it at all. Woe is me! If anyone who is fluent in Lithuanian is willing to help, I'd be more than happy to teach America culture, the English language (phonetics, reading/writing it, spelling, grammar, etc. inclusive), and more!
Drop me a line, please? :)
Language pair: English; Lithuanian
April 29, 2010
# Msgs: 1
I want to learn.
Privet! Hola! Bonjour! Hello!
Hi my name is Amy. Im 18 years old and live in england, I really want to learn a new language preferably Russian or Lithuanian as my partner is from Lithuania and his parents dont speak english :( Really need to learn quick :)
Language pair: Russian; Lithuanian
Amy M.
September 4, 2009
# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 5, 2009
hey farah, 'i love you' in lithuanian would be 'as tave myliu'
'As tave mylesiu amzinai' i'll love you forever.
hope this helps, Jack.
Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern; Lithuanian
May 20, 2009
# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 20, 2009
hi, wat does " i love you" mean in lithuanian?? can anybody help me?... thanks
Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern; Lithuanian
farah h.
September 18, 2008
# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 20, 2009
writing a love letter
Can someone please help me write a love letter in Lithuanian? I can help with English. How do you say? You are my mate. I am so happy to have found you. We make a perfect team!
Language pair: English; Lithuanian
Jessica L.
January 31, 2008
# Msgs: 1
hi, Alice, I'm Carlos from Uruguay, i speak spanish and i want learn German and Lithunian, i be glad if we could talk. I'm not gold member.
Language pair: Lithuanian; German
Carlos H.
August 24, 2007
# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 24, 2007
can someone please tell mean what the lithuanian slang word "smikis" means in english??? thankyou
Language pair: English; Lithuanian
Kurt S.
June 14, 2007
# Msgs: 1
Kurt S.
June 4, 2007
# Msgs: 1