Opinions - I know it would be hard. - Language Exchange

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Discussion: I know it would be hard.

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I know it would be hard.
I think that the English language should be changed. I'm a native speaker of English myself, but English seems to be too dificult for people of other languages to learn. I think we should dramatically change our spelling and slightly change our grammar. English should of course keep its rules but we should follow those rules more often. If any of you agree with with me than please post a message so I can read your comments.And if you have any suggestions about what we should change or keep the same or find out more how I think it should be than post it please.

This is what it would look like if we spelled it the way I imagine it.

Ie theinc dhat dhe Einglish lainguage shudz tu bei chainjd. Ie'm a naitiv speaker uhv dhe Einglish miyself, buht dhe Einglish lainguage seemz tu bei too dificult fore peapol uhv uhdher lainguagez tu lern. Ie theinc wei shud dramatically tu chainge our spelling and sliytly tu chainge our grammer. Einglish shudz uhv coerse tu keep it's rulz, buht wei shud tu follo dhoze rulz more often. If any uhv yew agree with mei dhan pleaz poste a message soe Ie can tu read yore comments. And if yew hav any suhgjestionz about waht wei shud tu chainge ore tu keep dhe same ore tu finde out more about how Ie theinc it shudz tu bei dhan poste it pleaz.

Language pair: English; All

February 6, 2007

Re:I know it would be hard.
Stephen, I suppose those changes would be too crusial. The matter is the american prononciation differs badly from britain and other ones. As far as I know, not only certain sounds do not match, but the whole sounds' system. We all learnt the britain mode in school and futher, thus I cannot imagine that "I" should be spelt "Ie", though "Ai" seems perfect. Then, I suppose there is no use spelling "ht" and "hv" where sounds are aspirated since an aspiration itself doesn't vary words. Nevertheless, "dh" and "tu" are quite bright ideas that I should introduce immediately if I could. Telling about the ehglish grammar, it is so simple that seems having nothing to change. It is ispecially evident in comparision with russian one: even russian man must give up all other occupations in order to get learnt all the spelling rules.

Language pair: Russian; English
This is a reply to message # 101044

February 16, 2007


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