Re:So disappointed!
Claudio - I think there is a practical problem for people who want to use this forum for learning the basics of a foreign language. You really need to have some rudimentary skills before you can exchange meaningful communication at all. Yes, you could volley questions back and forth, like "How do you say 'thank you'?" and you might find someone to volunteer, but it won't be very gratifying for the other person. I am also a newcomer to this forum, and I don't know how it will go, but I am realistic about my expectations. I already speak Japanese, so I am prepared for some good practice communications in Japanese, but I am just learning the Arabic alphabet, and I don't think I will be able to get much language help with that on here. Think about it. Have you ever heard of the WWOOF program? It stands for Willing Workers on Organic Farms ... and it seems to be popular with the backpacker/hippie people. The nice thing about it is that you can go to Japan and go to the countryside, and you will help some Japanese farmers in exchange for room and board... and in the meantime, you will have an immersion language experience. It is hard work and you don't get paid any money, but if you can go along with this, it is a great experience. Good luck.