Activities and Games - To know women for practise english - Language Exchange

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Discussion: To know women for practise english

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To know women for practise english

I'm 25 years old girl from Spain. I want to know girls or women that wants to practise spanish with me and at same time I want to practise english!!! :-)

Language pair: Spanish; English
March 11, 2007

Re:To know women for practise english
hi! i need help in spanish.. i am filipino, but english is my second language so i think we can help each other.. =)

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 104191
March 13, 2007

Re:To know women for practise english
Hi pam this is magenta500 i was wanting to know if you can help me with my spanish words thank you. P.s how do you say good night, mom,dad,sister, in spanish if you help me with my spanish i can help you with your english i will only send you five words to help me with i Will E-mail you tomroww Thank you for your help, if you help me.

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 104191
March 19, 2007


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