Books/Literature - Allende or Marquez, anyone? - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Allende or Marquez, anyone?

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Allende or Marquez, anyone?
Anyone on here read Marquez or Allende? I'm sure some of you do, their work is incredible. I've loved Marquez for years now, and I most recently finished "Memories of My Meloncholy Whores" (a superb read). I finally read "House of Spirits" by Allende, a gripping read at the very least. Both writers are so powerful.
Anyone read any of their work? If so, what'd you think? What books are your favorites by them?

Language pair: English; French
March 7, 2007

Re:Allende or Marquez, anyone?
I recently discovered Allende and she has become one of my favorite authors. So far I've read "Daughter of Fortune" and "Portrait in Sepia". "Zorro" is next on my list. I'm not so into Marquez though. I tried to read "Love in the Time of Cholera" but I couldn't get into it for some reason. The first part was good but after about half-way I felt like I was reading and reading without getting any closer to the end. Maybe I should try a different book of his. Any recommendations?

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 103857
March 16, 2007

Re:Allende or Marquez, anyone?
Hi, I adore Marquez and envy persons from Spanish spoken territory, who have the pleasure to read these incredible sentences on native language of this amazing author. I have read "One Hundred Years of Solitude" years ago and instantly have got hooked. Even now I can only close my eyes and imagine all that butterflies escaping from those unforgettable pages.

Language pair: English; Russian
This is a reply to message # 103857
Asanin Sosic

March 23, 2007


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