Seeking Partners - Want to learn more Japanese! - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Want to learn more Japanese!

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Want to learn more Japanese!
Hi, I'm a 17 years old boy from Holland. I've studied Japanese for a couple of months but I really want to practice and learn more! I can talk German, Dutch and English, so I can help you aswell! I hope to hear from you soon!

Language pair: Dutch; German
April 4, 2007

Re:Want to learn more Japanese!
Hello Tobias, I'm a 15 years-old Japanese(male) and I have lived in Holland for 10 month.
I've learned Dutch there, and I want to keep my level, or higher it.
Of course I can teach you Japanese, and, if able, by using Dutch!

My Dutch level is not low, I can read books like Narnia or HarryPotter in Dutch.

waiting for your response!

Language pair: Dutch; German
This is a reply to message # 106107
April 5, 2007


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