Seeking Partners - Hi , I can help you in Arabic ? joine me NOW - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Hi , I can help you in Arabic ? joine me NOW

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Hi , I can help you in Arabic ? joine me NOW
While learning a new language, a teacher is your bridge in this new experience.And has the ability to make this language easy to you or not.

I strongly believe that a good strategy in explaining the language will help and accomplish fine progress.

for those whom might be concerned in ARABIC I can help you with my magic trends in teaching.

I'm 24 years old from k s a looking for witty and funy partner, I like to laugh and I'm so patient person*.

* ( partner age /gender is not specified it's free to all )

thank you, and good luck you young learners

Language pair: Arabic, other; English

May 9, 2007

Re:Hi , I can help you in Arabic ? joine me NOW
Hi, definite YES!!
I've just been on Umrah, and it was quite sad to be overwhelmed by my experience and not be able to communicate with the people i met as they all speak arabic...
I'm interested to find out exactly what this "magic trends in teaching" entails...

Please, start teaching...
P.S I only know the very basics.. and dying to learn more!
Your assistance is appreciated.

Language pair: Arabic, other; English
This is a reply to message # 108782

May 10, 2007

Re:Hi , I can help you in Arabic ? joine me NOW
Hi, I'm very interested in learning Arabic, and if you're still available i would like to ask you for help.

Language pair: Arabic, other; English
This is a reply to message # 108782

May 10, 2007

Re:Hi , I can help you in Arabic ? joine me NOW
hi,I believe you are very very funny boy.I'm Yan ,a girl from China,
I have no idea about Arabic at ,could you teach me Arabic from 0,thanks

Language pair: Arabic, other; English
This is a reply to message # 108782

May 13, 2007


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