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103813 |
Someone want to lern German ?
I´m ! 13 years old and I can teach you German , but I´m not a gold member !
Language pair: German; All
103924 |
Hi! i want to learn German!!! i would be more than happy to receive your help... i can teach you spanish in return if you are interested... please contact me! i will be looking forward to hearing from you!
Language pair: German; French
This is a reply to message # 103813
105498 |
Re:Someone want to lern German ?
Hi, I am 16 and wanted to know if you would be willing to help me with German? I only speak English and am taking german 2 in school right now and I am having trouble! I am not a gold member but I do have an e-mail...please let me know soon! Thanks!
Language pair: German; All
This is a reply to message # 103813
109555 |
Re:Re:Someone want to lern German ?
Hey soulglo_ac, i'm a german girl and perhabs i can help you with your german-problems. But i don't know, wie wir in Kontakt kommen können...ähh, how we can take up the contact. (Because i`m not a goldmember. you?)
Perhabs you can tell me as a countermove to them a few things about the USA. And help me with your language... ;)
Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 105498
110777 |
Re:Re:Re:Someone want to lern German ?
Johanna, I can help you with English. You can reply to this posting with questions. I am a native born American and would be happy to help you learn English words. I would like to learn a little German because I may be visiting the Munich area with my husband for his work. I would like to know how to say: thank you for your help and: where is the rest room (bathroom)and other terms/phrases that would be helpful to know.
Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 109555
110870 |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Someone want to lern German ?
Hallo, ich bin ganz neu hier. Schaue mich gerade um und würde mich freuen, wenn wir voneinader lernen können. Lieben Gruß Kathy
Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 110777
111550 |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Someone want to lern German ?
hi Johanna, ich würde gerne englisch lernen und kann dir beim deutsch lernen helfen.ich komme aus deutschland.meine hobbies sind fitnessstudio,schwimmen,tanzen.
i would you like to learn english.i can you help mit germen.i am from germany.my hobbys going to studio,go swimming and to dancing.
Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 110777
111677 |
Re:Someone want to lern German ?
hey this is november33 If you would will you teach me german. I hope you could teach me german!!!!!!!
Language pair: German; All
This is a reply to message # 103813
111695 |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Someone want to lern German ?
hello ,ich komme aus SH CHINA!Could you teach me German?:)
Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 110870
112073 |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Someone want to lern German ?
Hy ich bin aus Deutschland und würde dir gerne mit Deutsch helfen, kann ich dir dafür ein paar englisch sätze schicken?
Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 111695
112226 |
TAG Kenny!
I could try. I'm not a gold member so contact me. my name is Judy, and yours?
Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 112073
123998 |
Re:Someone want to lern German ?
hallo, ich bin gerade auf der arbeit. aber abends habe ich genug zeit fuer kommunikation. ich wuerde gern versuchen wenn es dir nichts ausmacht
Language pair: German; All
This is a reply to message # 103813