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111567 |
Would like someone to teach me italian please,
Hi im 21 and will be going to rome for 2 months to go to college i`ve been learning italian for a months but I would like to know more phrases to use in restaurants and to order taxis and maybe some slang. I will help with english. cioa grazie mille
Language pair: Italian; All
112018 |
Re:Would like someone to teach me italian please,
Ciao Carly, mi chiamo Silvia, sono italiana e mi piacerebbe aiutarti con l'italiano. Non posso contattarti quindi se hai domande scrivile sul forum! Ciao
Language pair: Italian; All
This is a reply to message # 111567
112496 |
Re:Re:Would like someone to teach me italian please,
hi im belinda from omaha ne, would like for you to teach me some phrases like goodnite, until we meet again, the food is delicious! how are you today? i love you.
Language pair: Italian; All
This is a reply to message # 112018
113940 |
Re:Re:Would like someone to teach me italian please,
Hola, soy española y estoy estudiando Italiano, Puedes ayudarme?
Ciao, io sono espagnola. Studio per imparare l'italiano ma è molto difficile. Posso aiutarmi?
Language pair: Italian; All
This is a reply to message # 113009