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110881 |
Hallo! (hola!)
hi, i would love to meet people who can speak german, becuz im learning it, and my native lenguage is spanish, so if u r leaning spanish we can help each other about it...tschüs!!
Language pair: Spanish; German
112048 |
Re:Hallo! (hola!)
Hi! my native language is german and i can help you. would you help me whit spanish? hasta la proxima!
Language pair: Spanish; German
This is a reply to message # 110881
113478 |
Re:Re:Hallo! (hola!)
hello bianca, i could help you with spanish.I need to learn german.waiting for ur answer
Language pair: Spanish; German
This is a reply to message # 112048
114396 |
Re:Hallo! (hola!)
Hi, I am a native Spanish speaker. I know some expressions in German, but I would like to know how to say:
Pleased to meet you! (Encantado/a de conocerte/le)
How old are you? (?Cuantos anos tienes?) (I don't know how to put the special characters)
Where are you from? (?De donde eres?)
How many members are there in your family? (?Cuantos miembros hay en tu familia?)
Language pair: Spanish; German
This is a reply to message # 110881
114397 |
Re:Re:Hallo! (hola!)
Hi, I am a native Spanish speaker. I know some expressions in German, but I would like to know how to say:
Pleased to meet you! (Encantado/a de conocerte/le)
How old are you? (?Cuantos anos tienes?) (I don't know how to put the special characters)
Where are you from? (?De donde eres?)
How many members are there in your family? (?Cuantos miembros hay en tu familia?)
Language pair: Spanish; German
This is a reply to message # 112048
114655 |
Re:Re:Re:Hallo! (hola!)
Hallo! Encantada means in german "sehr erfreut"
?Cuantos anos tienes? ...es.. "Wie alt bist du?"
?De donde eres?.....es .. "Woher kommst du?"
?Cuantos miembros hay en tu familia? ...es..."Wieviele Familienmitglieder gibt es in deiner Familie?"
Hasta luego de Austria!!!
Language pair: Spanish; German
This is a reply to message # 114397