Making Friends - Mabuhay Philippines!!!! - Language Exchange

Category: Making Friends
Discussion: Mabuhay Philippines!!!!

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# Message Posted By
Mabuhay Philippines!!!!
Hi judy Burgess, It's me john. I'm looking forward for a wonderful conversations with you and i truly believe that you could probably help improve my english, and i can help you too communicate with through filipino language. I'm waiting for your reply. Have a nice day...

Language pair: Filipino (Tagalog); English

June 28, 2007

Re:Mabuhay Philippines!!!!
Hi John, this is Judy Burgess, and thank you for responding to my message. If you have an email address, we could converse via msn. If not, we could figure something out. I'm excited to be given the opportunity to experience knowing something different from what I am limited to.

Language pair: Filipino (Tagalog); English
This is a reply to message # 112727

June 28, 2007


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