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111572 |
Fantastics Books
I like books which deal about a fantastic world as Harry Potter, Eragon, Lord of the ring... The Harry Potter's seventh book goes out in bookshop in July in English and in October in French but I think i'm going to buy it in English before and then in french.
What do you think about this kind of book ?
Language pair: English; All
111828 |
Re:Fantastics Books
I love the Harry Potter books! I'm very excited for the seventh book in July. I'm reading Eragon now, and I haven't read Lord of the Rings, but I want to. I really liked Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials books too.
Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 111572
111951 |
Re:Re:Fantastics Books
I don't know this man ! What his books deal about ? Me too I'm excited and I'm waiting for the seventh book of Harry ! I guess it will be very great
Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 111828
112409 |
Re:Re:Fantastics Books
I am absolutely so excited about Harry Potter 7. I have a countdown till it is released and have already preordered it. I also love Eragon and the Dark Materials trilogy. Have you read the bartimaeus trilogy. A very good fantasy trilogy.
Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 111828
112781 |
Re:Re:Re:Fantastics Books
I haven't read the Bartimaeus books, but I do agree with you about HP # 7, Eragon (+ Eldest [sequel!]), and Philip Pullman! How about the Redwall series by Brian Jacques? Or even the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett?
Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 112409
113662 |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Fantastics Books
Hi Sarah, I have read the Eragon and Eldest both. I found eragon more interesting. THe end of eldest was also amazing. You cannot imagine that. I like the sphira very much and also bonding between ragan and his rider.
Did u watch the movie? I could'nt watch it. Some of my friends told me it was not as much gud as the book.
Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 112781
114270 |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Fantastics Books
Yeah the movie is very disappointing.
They changed some parts of the book such as the meeting between Eragon and Murtagh
I will not gonna see the Eldest ...
Oh you see ... More one day before "Harry Potter and the deathly hallows" comes out x)
Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 113662
115261 |
Re:Fantastics Books
Those kind of books are my favourite. Firstly goes Erago and eldetst, second Harry Potter, third Artemis Fowl, fourth Barti, fifth the trilogy by Pullman(I don't know the english title, sorry!) and last Crestomanci! Unfortunately, I haven't read the Lord of the Rings yet, but it will be the next book to buy.
Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 111572