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112866 |
ı want to improve my english,please help me!!!
ı am a turkish girl and ı'm studying english in turkey. please help me.ı can help you to imorove your turkish or ı can teach you how to speak turkish...
Language pair: English; Turkish
112926 |
Re:ý want to improve my english,please help me!!!
Sure I am from NY, I will help you in your studies of the English Language, Ask me any questions and I will provide a thorough explanation.
Language pair: English; Turkish
This is a reply to message # 112866
112951 |
Re:Re:ý want to improve my english,please help me!!!
thanks kailay, ı'll be happy if you can help. but how can ı contact to you?
Language pair: English; Turkish
This is a reply to message # 112926
113993 |
Re:ı want to improve my english,please help me!!!
You will have learned English if you can say "the sixth Sheikhs sixth Sheep is sick" three times in 5 sec - or if you need more help can try but no promise
Language pair: English; Turkish
This is a reply to message # 112866