Making Friends - Make new friends - Language Exchange

Category: Making Friends
Discussion: Make new friends

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# Message Posted By
Make new friends
Hello My name is marco and I want to make new friends around the world!!! I´m from germany and i would like to improve my english and I would like to learn french so please message me if you can speak english and it would be fine if you are a girl maybe from france USA Great britain thank you byebye

Language pair: German; English

June 29, 2007

Tag Marco H.!
U.S.A. Born in Mexico. Your message was forward, however it gets the job done. Maybe we could chat. I took two years of German and then decided to cut the third in half and forget German. I could teach you Spanish if you teach me to re-consider.

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 112868

June 30, 2007

Re:Make new friends
hey Marco I'm Marcelle, I'm from Switzerland but I speak currently and every day. If you want I can teach you in french, I think that will be very nice. I'm waiting of your answers. Hear you later bye.

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 112868
June 30, 2007


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