Vocabulary/Translations - How to say "Have a good trip" in Norwegian - Language Exchange

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Discussion: How to say "Have a good trip" in Norwegian

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How to say "Have a good trip" in Norwegian
I have a friend who is sailing to Norway and I would like to wish her a good trip. Can someone help me? Thanks

Language pair: English; Norwegian

July 10, 2007

Re:How to say
"Have a good trip"

Several ways to say it in norwegian but a common one is;
"Ha en god tur" (a word for word transelation, but still a used expression)

You can express it "harder/softer" like saying wonderful,great,etc by putting it in front of "god"
"ha en riktig god tur" (english: have a really nice trip)
"ha en fantastisk god tur" (english: have a great trip)

Language pair: English; Norwegian
This is a reply to message # 113629

July 12, 2007


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