Making Friends - French is my native language, want to practise English and learn Swedish. - Language Exchange

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Discussion: French is my native language, want to practise English and learn Swedish.

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French is my native language, want to practise English and learn Swedish.
Hello everybody!

I'm 27, from Belgium. I speak French and would like to perfect my English. I also want to learn Swedish by myself and will appreciate any help!!!

It seems that there are not a lot of gold members in the community (I'm not) and it's difficult to initiate the first contact.

If someone is interested by my French and can help me for other languages, please do not hesitate to contact me on hotm. (vichatel1979).

See you soon!

Language pair: English; Swedish
April 4, 2007

Re:French is my native language, want to practise English and learn Swedish.
Bonjour Virgine,
j'ai vu ton post et je suis un peu dans le même n'ai que l'anglais en commun avec mon ami qui est finnois suédois et je voulais trouver une bonne méthode pour apprendre rapidement le suédois.(lui il apprend le français puisqu'on est tous les deux en France!)
est ce que toi tu as trouvé quelque chose?
à quelle fréquence travailles-tu?
merci de ta réponse.

Language pair: English; Swedish
This is a reply to message # 106110
July 17, 2007


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