Study Abroad - Does anyone need help with greek? - Language Exchange

Category: Study Abroad
Discussion: Does anyone need help with greek?

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Does anyone need help with greek?
Hello,I'm Antigone!If anyone is interested in Greek...just let me know!Bye bye!

Language pair: Greek; English
July 2, 2007

Re:Does anyone need help with greek?
hey , i am so intersted in greek i would love it if u can help me

Language pair: English; Greek
This is a reply to message # 113065
August 5, 2007

Re:Does anyone need help with greek?
Hi Antigone! I'd be interested in learbibg greek or some thing about the language, I use to study ancien greek and so I strated to learn modern greek on my own but that's not that easy. I'd like to exchange views about things as well. Well, I'm not a gold member either, so what if we talk by mail? Let me know if you're interested!

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 113065
October 26, 2007


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