Making Friends - Wants to learn german! - Language Exchange

Category: Making Friends
Discussion: Wants to learn german!

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Wants to learn german!
I am from the states also and would love to learn German from anyone willing to help me. My family is originally from Germany two or three generations before me and I would love to learn the language from my heritage.

Language pair: English; German

August 6, 2007

Re:Wants to learn german!
Hey Jennifer,
I am a German boy and I am 18 years old. next year I am going to take my A-level exams and for this reason I want to improve my English skills. Surely I would help you by learning German. I am not a gold-member so I have to wiat for your answer. I would be quite happy hearing from you;)
Greetings from Germany;)

Language pair: English; German
This is a reply to message # 115599
August 8, 2007


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