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116138 |
Does anyone interested in Turkish?
Hi everyone ý used to study in london but ý am in Turkey now and ý dont want to forget English so anyone who can help me to practice,ý would be really happy.Also ý can help you with Turkish.See you around :))
Language pair: English; Turkish
116205 |
Re:Does anyone interested in Turkish?
Selam! Nasilisin? Ben Amerikan, so I can help you at least practice your English if you like. I'm not a gold member though so I'd need your M. s.n.
Language pair: English; Turkish
This is a reply to message # 116138
116342 |
Re:Re:Does anyone interested in Turkish?
hello mary ý have got yahoo messenger write me on my nick at yahoo co uk see you around
Language pair: English; Turkish
This is a reply to message # 116205
116413 |
Re:Does anyone interested in Turkish?
Hey I'm Leo. I would be more than happy to help you in remembering English and possibly in exchange, you could teach me some Turkish. I love Didem Kinali and I'm extremely interested in Turkish music and dance.
Language pair: English; Turkish
This is a reply to message # 116138