Activities and Games - need to learn spanish - Language Exchange

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Discussion: need to learn spanish

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# Message Posted By
need to learn spanish
Hello I am a german native but live in england and speak english perfect.

I need to learn spanish, prefer someone from spain (catalan if possible). Anyone out there who can help me?

Thank you,


Language pair: English; Spanish

July 30, 2007

Re:need to learn spanish
Hi! I'm kim hua... I know how to speak spanish a little bit...
I just want to share my little knowledge to you...
how much?-cuanto
what is your name?-como se Ilama?
how old are you?-cuantos años tiene?
how are you?-como esta?
where does it hurt?-donde le duele?
where does ir hurt the most-donde siente mayor dolor?
when did this happen?-cuando sucedio esto?
where are you from?-de donde es usted?
I think that's all for now. because I have to study!!!
tomorrow again..*(salamat)

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 115050
Kim Hua (Kerstin)
Lao (Fernan)

July 31, 2007

Re:Re:need to learn spanish
Wao great! congratulations you speak Spanish really good, everything is correct... Well I'm Spanish and I can teach both my language if you want, I'm from Madrid so I think I can help you better than someone from Catalunya :P :P :P

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 115111
August 8, 2007

Re:Re:Re:need to learn spanish
oh hi .It 's nice to meet you guys from all over the world especually when you are willing to learn us your native languages .
At first I should introduce heh I'm Fjolla from Kosovo . I saw you are able to learn spanish to the ones that are interested so I'm one of them . I would really like to learn spanish so I think you could share a bit of your knowledge with me . I hope you don't mind . wish you all the bests . bye

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 115760
August 10, 2007

Re:Re:Re:Re:need to learn spanish
Of course that I can help you but I'm not a gold member... my adress is on my profile contact me there if you're interested ;)

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 115912
August 17, 2007


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