Culture/History/Ethnology - About War at history - Language Exchange

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Discussion: About War at history

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About War at history
Good day.
People who live in England or USA please write me some words about history what you study in your school. Because when I read some article about war on English language I was surprise what wrote in this article about USSR in the Second World War.

Language pair: English; Russian

August 29, 2007

Re:About War at history
Hi my name is Jen and I live in the USA. I'd be happy to talk about history and war but I don't know what your question is.

Language pair: English; Russian
This is a reply to message # 117096
September 6, 2007

Re:Re:About War at history
Do your need some information about the Second World War? Yeah? I now it well. But I'm interested in the American War of Independence! I'm historian for my education and live in Russia, Bryansk.

Language pair: English; Russian
This is a reply to message # 117745
September 8, 2007

Re:Re:Re:About War at history
I know about the war of independance too, if you have any questions I about it I will help.

Language pair: English; Russian
This is a reply to message # 117860
September 9, 2007

Re:Re:Re:About War at history
Good day.
I hear that in America many students on question about WW2 answered that in war win American, GB and UUSR. And many people said that if don't open 2 front we don't win. Is it truth?
Adn where I can read about it, in what book about history?
Thank you.

Language pair: English; Russian
This is a reply to message # 117860

September 9, 2007

Re:Re:Re:Re:About War at history
Do you mean that if we did not fight on two fronts that we would not win? Is that what you are trying to say? In america when we say we were fighting on two fronts we mean on land in europe and at sea in the pacific with japan. And yes, america had to fight on both fronts because we had to help europe and stop germany but we also had to protect ourselves from japan because they were the ones in a better position to attack us. Im not sure if this answers your question or not, let me know.

Language pair: English; Russian
This is a reply to message # 117956
September 12, 2007


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