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New Member - How to say "help" in Polish - Language Exchange

Category: New Member
Discussion: How to say "help" in Polish

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How to say "help" in Polish
Help- pomoc, pomocy, pomoc¹, pomagaæ, pomogê, pomo¿esz, pomo¿e, pomo¿emy, pomo¿ecie, pomog¹, ........and in the past tense… . Don’t worry won’t torture you now.

If you are willing to learn Polish or just want to get to know my culture and have fun at the same time, please contact me (I’m not a golden member…yet-will see how does it work.)
Would be fantastic if you are Spanish speaker as well-I love it but can't say a world.

I love to smile and hope to feel your smile too.

Language pair: Polish; English

August 28, 2007

Re:How to say
Hi Gosia,

I would like to learn Polish from you.. I know nothing about spanish, but I could teach you english, chinese (mandarin) or Indonesian (Bahasa) if you interested.
Since both of us not a gold member, if you're willing to teach me Polish, leave a message, I'll find away to contact you ;)
Thanks :D

Language pair: Polish; English
This is a reply to message # 117036
baby gee
September 13, 2007


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