Vocabulary/Translations - Moroccan anybody? - Language Exchange

Category: Vocabulary/Translations
Discussion: Moroccan anybody?

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Moroccan anybody?
My native is english, and I'm trying to learn moroccan. if anyone out there can help, that'd be great. i'm not a "gold" member so you would have to contact me. If not possible, we can do it in the bulletin posts. Thanks so much! Beslama.

Language pair: Arabic, Moroccan; All

September 24, 2007

Re:Moroccan anybody?
salam alikoum Jessica ,i'm from morocco ,if you want to learn my native language i will be ,of course, very glad to help you
you. can contact me her morocco_0187 at hot point com beslama

Language pair: Arabic, Moroccan; All
This is a reply to message # 119039
September 30, 2007


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