Vocabulary/Translations - HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Language Exchange

Category: Vocabulary/Translations
Discussion: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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# Message Posted By
HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
English is sooooo confusing!!
I can say, "She has kept a dialy since she was a child.", right? Can I say, "She has been keeping a dialy since she was a child."? Is it correct???? If it's not correct, I want to know why. Please, please help me!! I need YOUR HELP!!

Language pair: English; All
May 11, 2002

Re:HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Both sound OK to me - but I think you mean diary (spelt with an 'r'

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 1179
May 12, 2002

Re:HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Both ways sound OK to me - but the word is "diary" NOT "dialy"

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 1179
May 12, 2002

Re:Re:HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, thank you very much!!!

Is there a subtle difference in nuance between one sentence and the other?

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 1210
May 12, 2002

Re:HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear help me....Are you trying to say, she has kept a "diary" since she was a child? I think that is what you are trying to say in that sentence....if not reply.

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 1179
May 13, 2002

Re:Re:Re:HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes. Although both sentences are grammatically correct, their meanings are different.

The first: "She has kept a diary since she was a child."
This means that when she was a little girl, she kept a diary. But now, after growing up, she does not keep a diary anymore. The word "kept" tells us that the act of keeping the diary was done in the past because "kept" is the past tense for "keep".

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 1218
May 13, 2002

Re:Re:Re:HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The second: "She has been keeping a diary since she was a child."
This means that she started having that diary since she was a little girl. But now, after growing up, she is still has that diary. The word "keeping" tells us that she has been continuously using that same diary since she was a little girl because "keeping" is the continuous tense of "keep".

I hope that I have not confused you more.

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 1218
May 13, 2002

Re:Re:Re:Re:HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, there is a typing mistake in my second msg:

"But now, after growing up, she is still has that diary."

should read:

"But now, after growing up, she still has that diary."

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 1228
May 13, 2002

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aha, now I understand!!
Thank you!!

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 1229
May 13, 2002

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry people but looks like you got it wrong, I mean Lionel chin got it wrong, for in both she has kept and she has been keeping, the same word has tells us that she still keeps it, maybe it's not the same diary maybe there HAS been several (the word A before diary tells us that perhaps but not necesarrally there could have been several diaries since she was a little girl, but there sure has always been one) Basically like someone esle already said the meaning in both cases is pretty much the same, although to my taste she has kept seems to fit the context a little better since the original sentence seems to be equivalent to she has had a diary since early chaidhood or she has possessed one, right? so the meaning is rather stative than action focused. good luck

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 1234
June 14, 2002

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with Henry.

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 1524
December 1, 2002

Re:HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Izumi,
My name is Kaari I am a 12 year old girl I will halp you with your english if you help me with Japanese My dad is a teacher too so if you have a question that I dont have an awnser to then I can just ask my dad this a take it or leave it offer but if you are that deturmend to learn english then you would take this offer emediatly so e-mail me back and I would be more than happy to help you if you help me

I only talk to people by E-mail and I promise if you take this offer then I'll theach you all I know and you'll know english by the end of this year.

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 1179
April 24, 2003

Re:HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes that is correct. Just keep trying and you will get it.

Language pair: English; Japanese
This is a reply to message # 1179
December 12, 2003


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